Well Tamashii would be if they go back on their word.
Then YOU go take that up with TAMASHII because it's a FACT that they RERELEASE web exclusive ITEMS. PERIOD. They have done so and they give NO reason not to expect more of them, because they've already set precedence. This is literally how law works, this is how lawyers win cases in courtrooms, by invoking cases where a precedence has been set. Guess what? Precedence has been set. Who here is the misinformed buyer now? We ALL are, because Tamashii refuses to give clearance on the subject, something I've been (yes, supernatural) COMPLAINING about for quite a while now.
So whatever 'word' you think you're relying on, as a buyer, is BROKEN, provably, factually, historically, BROKEN. 'Policy' > trash can.
In our line's case they've rereleased web exclusive ssj Goku and they have rereleased scouter vegeta as a repaint; a web exclusive (a choice hardly anyone ****ing cared about). But they've rereleased more web exclusives of other lines as well. A moral high ground isn't something you step on or off. You are either consistently on it, or you fall from it.
It's EXACTLY like LipSmack says, a load of massive B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T. Tamashii can do whatever they want because they've PROVEN it. We as consumers have now known this for over a year, and a very large portion of consumers has been led to believe, or has not been deferred from believing that this will happen in the future. Arlia Vegeta was the nail in the coffin ("NAAAAAIIIIIL!!!"). So the "meeeh, I'm a misinformed buyer" position is not an argument any particular side can claim here, we ALL are misinformed. That is how Tamashii rolls, it's that simple. They break their own policy.
Whatever you "it's immoral to release web exclusives" people wanna say, the fact is and remains that Tamashii has already broken your trust. Tamashii DOESN'T keep to their word and I think everyone who has to resort to scalping has every right to feel hella cheated when tamashii CLEARLY can rerelease web exclusives, and DOES so, but NOT the most demanded ones. (Can I get a massive WHAT THE **** here?)
This is all a solid, historical, FACT. There's nothing to debate about this. Tamashii has already broken their word. Tamashii is therefore UNRELIABLE. We've known this for quite a while now and we know explicitly that they themselves don't know what to do with it (because they literally ****ing tell us in interviews that have been posted here that they don't know what to do with it), except that they've already done something with it, because they made their choice when they rereleased web exclusives.
All tamashii is doing now is saying 'we don't know, we're not sure' as an excuse not to release product A, when they rerelease product B that's in the SAME ****ing category. They LITERALLY told us it's more LIKELY that the mmpr web exclusives will be released. Why? I have NO ****ING IDEA.
I'm sorry 'moral high ground' people, but the very company you like is not on your side. So don't take it up with people here who'd just like to own their fav collectibles for a descent price and actually WANT to support this company, but are being cockblocked to everyone's detriment. Stop nagging to those people and take it up with Tamashii. Go write them your comments about moral high ground and informed consumership.