The customs look awesome. I love looking at different Siths. They always showed so many Jedis that you never really got to see a lot of Siths. I'm looking forward to the new movies. Are those real characters or made up characters?
That is quite a wide variety. What kind of figure is Mewtwo? I've collected a lot of Marvel 3 inch series. Nothing new in awhile, I don't think, but I have a lot of them along with the Legends.
Unbelievable. Did you customize those yourself? Yeah, their 3 inch market isn't, or wasn't, that good. The Injustice designs were different to begin with. I hated how they had all the Green Lantern 3 inch figures only as con exclusives. Everybody should have had access to those. I felt DC did amazingly well in the 6" with the Classics but that seemed to have gone downhill quite quickly. I'm looking forward to Doomsday who's supposed to be up for sale soon to finish out the line. The DC Direct Greg Capullo figures are really nice detailed as were the Crime Syndicate figures. I usually go for the torso articulation or decide not to buy them at all.
Thanks again! Yeah they're "real" characters from the Expanded Universe. The others I have are all ancient Sith Lords that existed thousands of years before the events of Episode 1. None of them have any "official" representations, so I commissioned a friend to make em for me. Maybe I can post a photo if you guys would like to see em?
Oh I just have the D-Arts Mewtwo. Surprised they haven't made Pikachu yet (the most popular 1, should be a no-brainer but Tamashii likes to work backwards as we all know). Not that big into Pokemon (anymore) but I only bought it so I can have a decent Smash Bros display.
The Batman figures were also done by my friend

He's very talented. But yeah that Green Lantern being a con exclusive was bogus lol. Tamashii needs to expand on the DC line aside from Injustice; I hate that Superman costume, ugh. Looks silly to me. But Batman is a must-buy of course. Tamashii representative did hint at them making Bane soon, eager to see how that turns out. I have the Revoltech Dark Knight Batman & it scales pretty well. Although we all know Tamashii's articulation is far beyond Revoltech's (they've gotten a lot better over the years, but sometimes those clicky joints are just weird & awkward to pose).
Cool **** crisis! I almost went into 3,3/4 marvel and star wars but backed out. I like my few marvl selects mainly and I selectiveky really lke th black series 6". Might get figuarts vader cause the bs vader was, well bs.
Im very happy with the few select I have but Im done with them. I'm a cherry pick collector. Right now DBZ figuarts is what I have most of within oneline. Don't see that changing. Even with my low interest in the upcoming buu period, id still rather buy dbz SHF stuff than most everything else out there. As much criticism as I can have, SHF feels like ultimate adult action figure presents. They're just wonderfully deluxe versions of hat I wanted as kid, it's perfect. No other line comes closevto that thrill for me. I bought 1 1/6 scale recently, sold it. Feels too much like a doll to me and not a figure.
Figuarts are perfect the balance between price, quality and luxury imo.
EDIT: sorry bout the many typos my 1st gen ipad cant handle my typing speed anymore.
Thanks mate! Yeah I don't think I'll buy anymore Marvel Universe figures anytime soon. There's just so many, unless I see one I really want I may buy it. I just wanted physical representations of Marvel's most popular squads & heroes (X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, was gonna get the Guardians & other heroes but oh well, they can wait)
Yeah I agree about SHF being the ultimate adult action figures. They're just the best DBZ figures on the market, no question. Perfectly scaled, too; had they been like 8 or 10 inch figures like the Play Arts Kai then I highly doubt we would have the roster we have now. No way they would've ever made Broly, or Android 16. With the 6-inch scale, they can match almost all character sizes equally without them looking completely ridiculous, give or take a few small size disrepancies here n there.
and btw, 1st gen ipad? They still make those?

just kidding lol
also kick-ass poses you just thought up Angelo lol. I wanna do something like that now but as you know I can't switch up my poses just yet
and equally kick-ass display Wolvie