Thanks again! Yeah they're "real" characters from the Expanded Universe. The others I have are all ancient Sith Lords that existed thousands of years before the events of Episode 1. None of them have any "official" representations, so I commissioned a friend to make em for me. Maybe I can post a photo if you guys would like to see em?
Oh I just have the D-Arts Mewtwo. Surprised they haven't made Pikachu yet (the most popular 1, should be a no-brainer but Tamashii likes to work backwards as we all know). Not that big into Pokemon (anymore) but I only bought it so I can have a decent Smash Bros display.
Thanks mate! Yeah I don't think I'll buy anymore Marvel Universe figures anytime soon. There's just so many, unless I see one I really want I may buy it. I just wanted physical representations of Marvel's most popular squads & heroes (X-Men, Avengers, Spider-Man, was gonna get the Guardians & other heroes but oh well, they can wait)
Yeah I agree about SHF being the ultimate adult action figures. They're just the best DBZ figures on the market, no question. Perfectly scaled, too; had they been like 8 or 10 inch figures like the Play Arts Kai then I highly doubt we would have the roster we have now. No way they would've ever made Broly, or Android 16. With the 6-inch scale, they can match almost all character sizes equally without them looking completely ridiculous, give or take a few small size disrepancies here n there.
and btw, 1st gen ipad? They still make those?

just kidding lol