Where'd you get him at? Everywhere i look it's sold out.![]()
Toy source.com
Merry Christmas everyone.
Where'd you get him at? Everywhere i look it's sold out.![]()
Prepare to be grossly disappointed...
Why not ? I mean, SDCC exclusives always consisted in a repaint of standard releases : Son Goku, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta.
Green hair Broly is something fans could wait for. I don't see repaints for one of the androids. I don't know, that could likely happen...
Perfect Cell in anime colours seems more likely.
Why not ? I mean, SDCC exclusives always consisted in a repaint of standard releases : Son Goku, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta.
Green hair Broly is something fans could wait for. I don't see repaints for one of the androids. I don't know, that could likely happen...
In the show he is a lighter, brighter green.
mmm yeah its different, but its minimal
SSJ Goku is getting reissued in May of 2015 again
Surprise level = -1.
Ugh...but he was already reissued...what about Vegeta(s), Trunks, Frieza...literally anyone else. It's great that we are getting Gohan again but SS Goku is still the cheapest figuarts figure right now, he is literally the last thing we needed reissued.
In the show he is a lighter, brighter green.
This would be awesome!!In the show he is a lighter, brighter green.
I agree with this!! we have cell. krillin, ss vegeta as left over optionsI decided to pop in to say we dont need to go over why no one else is able to be reissued again do we? Tamashii arent willing to reissue anyone apart from the first three 20 for any number of BS reasons. Reissues dont take up release spots regardless so Goku and Gohan dont matter.
Im fully expecting Krillin to be next years SDCC. He can be changed significantly to be proper anime, including eyes and gi colour. Lets face it, they wont do slight repaints, thats why we never got ssj Vegeta this year.
Anyway, merry Christmas folks!
Well Krillin is pretty anime accurate as-is, as are 17, 18, Trunks and Frieza. Cell, normal Goku, and Broly are the only figures that could use an anime rendition that hasn't been done yet.
Broly is an anime (technically, movie) character only, so he doesn't have a unique manga color like the other characters. The figure release is already the anime rendition.
Toy source.com
Merry Christmas everyone.