I know this is not SH Figuarts, but the new Gigantic SS3 Goku looks pretty darn good:
Wow a figure finally got the hair right, I definitely will pick this up.
I know this is not SH Figuarts, but the new Gigantic SS3 Goku looks pretty darn good:
*notes it down*but tokyo ghoul is awesome though![]()
What ace are you guys talking bout cause the picture didn't work here...?Wow, I knew about the smiling face for ssj Goku, but TWO faces removed from his release? What the hell Tamashii/Toei! I honestly dont care if the faces dont fit with your idea of Goku, its more accessories dammit! *sigh*
I did know that that was the picture they took inspiration from, and frankly they shouldnt have. He is far too bulky in his chest area and the figure (and EVERY reuse of that sculpt since) has suffered because of that choice.
The quintessential goku release, mould and paintjob, has yet to be made imo. Currently the two main saiyans have, overall, the least releases imo. The supporting characters/villains are all a lot better.To me Gokus shoulder width is too much, combined with his arms being too long. Heck, even ssj3s sculpt looks better by reducing his arm length, even though his colours loom rubbish.
I suppose so. Most recent protos seem to be getting made on time better. Although of all the prototypes shown, Adult Gohan is my least anticipated still.
What ace are you guys talking bout cause the picture didn't work here...?
What I wanna know is what out of these protos we've seen will form the latter line up of 2015.
While the datong version is decent for what it is, the original blows it out the water, though its not worth the scalper prices honestly. I would recommend not bothering tbh.
I would be surprised if Super Buu were released before Ultimate Gohan but it's possible. I still think Super Saiyan 4 Goku is going to be released in November/December.
For me, most anticipated, from most to least, would be; Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Ultimate Gohan, Super Buu, and Vegito. It would be difficult for Tamashii to top Super Saiyan 4 Goku to me with any other release. Especially in terms of orders.
I've started to think we won't see, non-Majin, Buu Saga Vegeta anytime soon. He would be the first character to have another release from a different Saga without a special name attached to him. Scouter Vegeta is just named "Vegeta." I'm waiting to see what Tamashii will do when that time comes.
I used to have most of those with the boxes. When I left my parents house to pursue college I made the mistake of thinking they wouldn't get thrown out if I left them there....
I'd say my most anticipated of them would be Super Buu, then Vegito then SS4 Goku, and then Gohan.
I don't know who to credit this to but I thought this was an amazing custom...
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Do you think Super Buu is going to be two releases or just one release?
I'd say it's about 50/50. I'm leaning more towards 2 releases.
This should be the general rule for this thread.Normal Goku was easy, look how long he took to come out!
Rule #1: Never judge Tamashii on common sense, it only leads to heartache and disappointment! [emoji14]
Yeah, there's advantages and disadvantage for both choices. Single release would be more money, including those, like me, ordering two to display both versions. Double release would be less money but it would take up another release date.