Thanks man

:, and yeah now I get your position much more clearly. And I agree pretty much entirely. I think it's totally fine that fans critique creators' treatment of their creation, and certainly fans can make very wellversed arguments as to why they think things should be handled differently.
But where I get annoyed, or rather who I get annoyed with, is people who saw the OT, experienced that in a certain way, and then think that and that alone is star wars and not even the creator should expand or develop that. And it even further annoys me when their arguments are rooted in an experience that's their own, that isn't entirely objectively true, star wars was for example aesthetically a western, but in many ways both its actual stories and themes were not. And I just kinda get annoyed when people want Han Solo in scruffy bars, and old geezers talking about vague force stuff and deem everything else 'not star wars'. Downplay the Force/spiritual element and aspect of star wars. The films were ultimately a spiritual story, they just had many characters occupying a world that juxtaposed this element, exactly so that element thrived more, and stood out more. Luke stands out among his pilot friends, Vader among his officers. The prequels were set in a time where the spiritual element was WAY more a thing because there were simply a lot more people around who dedicated their lives to it (aka jedis), which simply is the story, the story is the Emperor wanting to wipe that out. I think that aspect both aesthetically and thematically was done fantastically in the prequels, I really do. And there are many other elements like this that really were designed well and have a very believable link in how they progressed (the clones for example), and digressed into the aesthetic of the OT.
As much deserved criticism Lucas gets for many things he was like you say sloppy in, made missteps, was to complacent or too egotistical or uncritical in, I at the same time feel he does NOT get enough credit for the aforementioned world building. The prequels set up a world that tied very well into the OT and has its own incredible iconography. And where it's a downside that he gave himself full creative control and final say, the upside should be that he gets credited for signing off on all these rich designs and how they progressed throughout 6 films. It has to be a fair assesment, and not irrational hate because he stepped on your nostalgia-toes, you know?
The major thing is, and I think that's where Lucas gets the full blame, is that he did not manage to write screenplays that conveyed the depth with which this was the case. His visionary skill was cockblocked by his own character and hubris. That's why I highly lament many moviefans not having played Bioware's Old Republic games, because Bioware's developers took the aesthetic of both trilogies and fused them absolutely wonderfully, and in a way that allows room for ALL of it, with an incredibly rich own lore. I can genuinely say easily half of my fandom of star wars is fandom of Bioware's star wars world – I look at the films so differently because I forget that I have this entire other world that explores these elements. To an extent it's less fair because 1 Lucas had to lay the groundwork and 2 only had three movies as opposed to 3 whole RPG games, but nevertheless I just... I get emotionally annoyed and saddened a bit when I see Star Wars fans talking about the OT and PT as if they're juxtaposed and even out of touch of each other, and they aren't when the star wars world itself is concerned. They just are regarding the execution of the films, because Lucas isn't a good screenplay writer or director.
Just to give context: Bioware is one of the best storytelling game developer companies around, and their star wars era (3000 years before PT/OT), first one being released in 2005, combined PT and OT elements, aesthetics, stories, themes, even music, to an incredibly fantastic result. It added a lot of richness from nuancing the jedi and sith codes and teachings, as well as expanding underworld's and bars where rogues, bounty hunters, imperial agents and senators all had their dealings. Where gunslingers were abound and hated these force using types, and where force users where abound trying to find acolytes. Where planets opposed the republic for their own reason, or because they belonged to the Hutt space. You get the actual specifics of all that. Not to mention the incredible individual characters they wrote and developed over the course of 2 RPGs and an MMO RPG, among which imo the best star wars character after Darth Vader, Revan.
That is what not just kept my star wars fandom alive, it blew it to new heights and it showed me that despite the flawed execution of Lucas' filmmaking, the elements he set up throughout all six films carry a fantastic legacy that when combined aptly, is the most diverse fictional world I know. It's really sad that Lucas himself couldn't do that but that doesn't mean the elements can't be appreciated.
So yeah, guess I cleared that up, thank god for spoiler tags right?

If you wanna know more about Bioware's star wars universe there are a few simple videos and pictures I can give you an impression with. We can do that via DM should you want to.