If you've played Kotor 1 it's pretty cool to watch this video:
It reverse-chronicles the starting point of the MMO, all the way back to the origins of the lore (although the last videos were never released but it goes far back before Kotor I). It explains the roots of all the sith lords like exar kun and marka ragnos. But it also shows why revan and malak did what they did, and how they fell to the dark side in the first place, what they encountered, why they came back and what happened to them after kotor 1. It's all a grander scheme. And then you could read the book Revan which is set during the MMO and essentially sets up the main class' story (Jedi Knight) and the main story of the old republic. It's a cool read because Revan really is a grey forcewielder, he criticises the jedi code for judging emotions.
And then there's just these awesome SWTOR cinematics for a great action watch and features a descandant of Bastila, and also shows how you can mix up the ot and pt styles in a really good way, but mostly the action is just ****ing awesome:
Let's remove this from the thread, I'd like your thoughts in a dm if you're up to it!