Big Deano
Super Freak
yo Big D, what are you gonna do with your Goku custom now that the SDCC EX will soon be released?![]()
He has already been re-purposed into a BoG normal Goku (Basically put the sash back on and left the logos on)

yo Big D, what are you gonna do with your Goku custom now that the SDCC EX will soon be released?![]()
Yeah, my normal Goku has the same paint "rub" on the shoulders, as does Krillin in fact. I dont know if its the blue paint they use but it seems quite common.
Thanks for the reply Big D, the figure comes with plastic protections on the shoulders as in other figures and additionally has some in the ankles.
Once again you post without bothering to actually read the post you quoted. Thats all im saying, im not getting into this again. Also, just because YOU dont like ssgss doesnt make it a bad figure. I happen to dislike ssj3, but you dont see me constantly at your throat for mentioning it do you?
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yeah but you are talking about repaind or adv color for ssgss goku and he even release now and ssj3goku release years ago and still nothing, next time he (ssgss goku get a repaint or adv color) shpuld be into 2 3 years or more! or maybe never again for this line
No problem Big D, I'm at your service
I finished the last work, very useful for customizers (I believe):
If the Advanced Colors go in order of releases, since Vegeta was the first exclusive, and he's coming first, while Trunks was the second and is coming after him, than SSJ3 Goku would be next I believe. I would welcome a different repaint on SSJ3 Goku as well...and maybe if they fixed his hair too.I'm sure looking at 2016 we'll now get an "Advance Color" repaint of SSJ3 Goku. He'll be one of the "mandatory" Goku releases for that year. I actually will look forward to that as I'm not a fan of the "mustard" gi color.
It'll be interesting to see if Tamashii decides to venture into the "villain" territory and do repaints on Frieza and Cell. Cell is an easy pick to go with the bright anime green colors. While Frieza I suppose they can change some of the shaded details or barely paint him at all if they wanted to since the "Advance Colors" seem to be rather flat.
I'm curious what they'll show at SDCC. More than likely though show off some of the stuff they have right now but perhaps we'll get our first look at one of the other new figure releases for 2016? They've already shown so much and some figures (like the Buu's) don't have defined release dates. I almost feel that in terms of display, we might not really see anything "new" from Tamashii at this year's SDCC.
I hadnt even seen that pose before, and here you are changing itLooks good man! I personally prefer it "clean", but that it more accurate.
Also, everytime i see the words "super warrior" I immediately think of an old horribly dubbed version of the movies, I hope folks know what im talking about or i may have to go looking for them![]()
If the Advanced Colors go in order of releases, since Vegeta was the first exclusive, and he's coming first, while Trunks was the second and is coming after him, than SSJ3 Goku would be next I believe. I would welcome a different repaint on SSJ3 Goku as well...and maybe if they fixed his hair too.
Repaints for Freiza and Cell would be ok too, they have different display options to justify a second purchase for most of us.
I think we may see updates on the figures in production at SDCC as well, which would be great
If the Advanced Colors go in order of releases, since Vegeta was the first exclusive, and he's coming first, while Trunks was the second and is coming after him, than SSJ3 Goku would be next I believe. I would welcome a different repaint on SSJ3 Goku as well...and maybe if they fixed his hair too.
Repaints for Freiza and Cell would be ok too, they have different display options to justify a second purchase for most of us.
I think we may see updates on the figures in production at SDCC as well, which would be great
No problem Big D, I'm at your service
I finished the last work, very useful for customizers (I believe):
I'm getting to a point (the same point a few others are getting to) where I'm starting to hate all the Goku releases...but I've said it before and will say it again, they make a new SS3 (possible now with the advanced color releases) with either the palette from the Zero EX SS3 or the new Awakened Goku then I'm all over it. The SS3 Goku is pretty visually appealing thanks to the hair and effect pieces, it just needs a new color scheme (AND the new peach skin seen on most new releases).
the idea was bugging me so I whipped up this image to see how it would look. Updated skin (and the ridiculous black lip stick on the face), added saturated hair, and gave it an Awakening/EX outfit. Can only hope they make something like it now.
Ssj3 goku actually came before Trunks btw. The more you knowIf the Advanced Colors go in order of releases, since Vegeta was the first exclusive, and he's coming first, while Trunks was the second and is coming after him, than SSJ3 Goku would be next I believe. I would welcome a different repaint on SSJ3 Goku as well...and maybe if they fixed his hair too.
Repaints for Freiza and Cell would be ok too, they have different display options to justify a second purchase for most of us.
I think we may see updates on the figures in production at SDCC as well, which would be great
Did he? Huh, did not know. Thank you Big DSsj3 goku actually came before Trunks btw. The more you know
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The better question is why did you quote my post twice instead of just making it into one postWhy they should fix the hair??? The value will down if that happe! So no way! It's enough they change the color!