Well, I for one am glad I never bought my Goku and Vegeta from MHToyshop, just checked and they got SDCC Goku...... and proceeded to put it up for the same prices eBay scalpers have them at. WTF? They are supposed to be a shop, thats just scumbag type tactics.
I just know they have an unfavorable rep around here. I don't own any myself. I see them at B&N all the time but they just don't grab me.
85 or 90?!
Well, I for one am glad I never bought my Goku and Vegeta from MHToyshop, just checked and they got SDCC Goku...... and proceeded to put it up for the same prices eBay scalpers have them at. WTF? They are supposed to be a shop, thats just scumbag type tactics.
Thanks, Ang. The costume design and art direction are gorgeous.
Honestly, 80-90 is what I was expecting to pay, so I'll do that happily if I can get a hold of it at that price =\
Price of a SDCC ticket and all, I just don't care that much.
120-150 though, that's passing my threshold and I'm not down with that ****.
It's ****ing AMAZING, I've loved this joker design from the very first day snyder released that pic and that 'joke' theme element across both trailers is fantastic.
Did you see that expo? the prop and production work for this film is perhaps beyond anything I've seen excluding maybe lotr.
It's ****ing AMAZING, I've loved this joker design from the very first day snyder released that pic and that 'joke' theme element across both trailers is fantastic.
All of this feels so god damn real, it feels so organic and fluent how this world is being built up. How Superman landed in a world rife with an underworld of insanity and history. It's a BRILLIANT approach. Batman's 20 years active, all feels like it's a real complete world that's been lived in. Can't wait for it to expand.
Wait where did you get confirmation for that?
Oh sorry I should've been more clear, I'm assuming that the rumors are true because people were saying. (Lex Corp gets a hold of Zod's body and then they genetically alter it making doomsday!!) From what I saw in the trailer that's just what I think personally is true. The HYPE IS REAL
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Watchmen is 95% accurate source material (as well as Sin City), but in turn suffered at the box office due to its R rating. I fear Deadpool will have the same fate.
It's a double-edged sword having these films be 100% accurate to the comics. It just can't work that way.
Angelo2113 -> i am not a very fan of Super Baby or Normal Baby, so i not agree with his release.
it´s a characte, that i don´t like, even his saga. (just the born of ssj4 Goku of course)
- You have the right to feel however you want. Don't care. Your tone doesn't relict any feelings out of me but whether or not I chose to respond... And yes reading a post about toys with a certain perfect of words asterisked out comes off aggressive. It's what it is.
- So your argument is that price automatically equals quality with absolutely no consideration into supply/demand, etc.? Also your right.
- For me, I get more value from a dragon ball figuart than a marvel legends if the figuart is $100 because I have more attachment to the line. Do I get more value for a mmpr figuart at any price? No. Because there's a certain amount of that value that's subjective. Of I were to literally look at things as what you get in the box for the dollar: a $20 Marvel legends venom gets me way more in the package than a $50 ssj vegeta. I'll even told things like the playmates tmnt classics line in there too.
- So maybe I'm collecting the wrong lines, but it's a bit jarringvto see the company that produces things like the start Wars black series, transformers classics through rts, and masterpiece (unless that's Takara) automatically associated with junk? What the ****?
Superman vs Batman trailer is out of control hype. Would like to see a line dedicated to it as well.
Cheers. Some responses are pretty mean.
Just cuz YOU aren't a fan of it doesn't mean you have to say it shouldn't be released. I may not like Yamcha, but others do and I gotta respect that. I would love to see Baby Vegeta, but I could give 2 *****ks about SSJ3 Goku. I already have him, so screw you guys demanding a re-release
I'm only gonna respond to this silly debate about Figuarts being nothing more than toys with pictures. Let your eyes do the thinking since facts don't seem to matter...
The difference is night and oranges.
Dude he just said he wouldn't agree with the release kinda like people don't agree with the jaco release.
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