speaking of which do you guys think we'll eventually see Super Saiyan God Gogeta in Super? Whis kinda hints towards that when he was saying if they were to work together, they would be near unstoppable
I don't think it's impossible. I could definitely see that, it would be pretty sweet. I just wonder how Toriyama would design him though. Toei's Gogeta is pretty much exactly what I suspect Gogeta would look like since it's basically the same as Gotenks only with different colors. The "official" design should look pretty similar, if not look exactly like it but perhaps with different colors.
Actually Gogeta IS Toriyama's design. And Gogeta was meant to bein the buu saga. But because toi released a movie with gogeta before gogeta appeared in the show, T felt it ruined the surprise and made up vegito and the potara rings. That's why vegito's seperation inside buu is so convoluted, it was supposed to be gogeta seperating naturally, but T had to quickly think of something. The buu era was written under a lot of pressure and time comstraint.
So yeah, since I read that I do consider Gogeta cnon. He just never appeared. THAT SAID if they fused now it'd be as gods, so don't know how that impacts it. But imo gogeta is as legit asgotenks, it is toriyamas design and was meant for the series.
@fat if they fuse, which I don't think they ever will, it'll deffo be a new gogeta ssjg style. Don't think toriyama would pass up the chance to right that wrong. Vegetto was never meant to be, he was a contingent solution.
Damn, never knew that. I know Toriyama was sad cuz Toei beat him to the punch but I didn't know he actually designed it. In that case, I could definitely see Gogeta appearing in DBS. Don't see why he couldn't do it. Could easily see Goku and Vegeta fusing and taking out Beerus as Gogeta. I really want Beerus to die now, DBS ruined him for me![]()
Actually Gogeta IS Toriyama's design. And Gogeta was meant to bein the buu saga. But because toi released a movie with gogeta before gogeta appeared in the show, T felt it ruined the surprise and made up vegito and the potara rings. That's why vegito's seperation inside buu is so convoluted, it was supposed to be gogeta seperating naturally, but T had to quickly think of something. The buu era was written under a lot of pressure and time comstraint.
So yeah, since I read that I do consider Gogeta cnon. He just never appeared. THAT SAID if they fused now it'd be as gods, so don't know how that impacts it. But imo gogeta is as legit asgotenks, it is toriyamas design and was meant for the series.
@fat if they fuse, which I don't think they ever will, it'll deffo be a new gogeta ssjg style. Don't think toriyama would pass up the chance to right that wrong. Vegetto was never meant to be, he was a contingent solution.
Typical toriyama BS. The whole reason old Kai told them to use potara was because it would create a stronger fusion than the dance. As usual the fans know more than he does.
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Gogeta stronger than vegito. https://m.facebook.com/supergogeta95/posts/593490064017684
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Not sure, they would probably focus at some point but hopefully not that soon.The thing is, what figures can they make from DBS? So far DBS is covering the movies and Tamashii's already got all they can from that except for Whis and SSG Goku. The other side characters in their new outfits wouldn't really make for great figures especially since most of them don't even fight anymore.
I wouldn't worry too much about DBS taking slots over older stuff, at least not yet. The show isn't at the point where there's new characters being introduced and it probably won't be for a few months seeing as they're just at the middle of BoG.
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Oh, we can. It's totally out thereIt's pretty convoluted though... "...Gojīta is a little bit stronger, but you wouldnt notice a difference. Still, Bejitto will always be the most skilled martial artist..."
And I'm sure we could dig up an interview where he contradicts himself.