S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I would actually prefer SHF Imperfect Cell(s). Why not at this point. If the original Perfect Cell was the last perfect cell figure that was ever going to be made until the end of time, I'd be fine with it.

Ironically, it feels like they're trying to "improve upon perfection" :lol

S.H. Figuarts Imperfect Cell and Semi-Perfect Cell should certainly be the next releases for the character. I would prefer Semi-Perfect Cell at first because he could be paired with Super (Saiyan) Vegeta and the upcoming Tien. Imperfect Cell could be paired with an updated Piccolo since Android 16 has already been released.

I'm very happy with the Perfect Cell S.H. Figuarts but I'm not satisfied with it knowing it could be better.

Been playing with that battle damaged Gohan and gotta say that head sculpt looks incredible. But the feet articulation is a huge letdown conpared to the first shf Gohan.

I thought it was really strange that the ankle articulation was a setback. Tamashii Nations is usually really good with it.

I don't know, I want to but I'm over-budget these couple coming weeks :lol if my budget survives until May then definitely :lol

But I'll keep an eye out for whatever Shodo makes from now on, they seem to have become quite popular.

I understand! I'm going to need to get another job or sell some organ to be able to pay for all my pre-orders in the upcoming months. :lol

Yeah, I hope Shodo continues to deliver solid products. They seem to be kicking it up a notch with all these new releases so I'm assuming they're selling well at the moment.
S.H. Figuarts Imperfect Cell and Semi-Perfect Cell should certainly be the next releases for the character. I would prefer Semi-Perfect Cell at first because he could be paired with Super (Saiyan) Vegeta and the upcoming Tien. Imperfect Cell could be paired with an updated Piccolo since Android 16 has already been released.

I'm very happy with the Perfect Cell S.H. Figuarts but I'm not satisfied with it knowing it could be better.

I thought it was really strange that the ankle articulation was a setback. Tamashii Nations is usually really good with it.
Bandai done goofed on that one.

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Is Datong still in business? Haven't seen any new knockoffs from them lately
I'm pretty sure Datong is out. They had all the pieces for Perfect Cell (and I believe Future Trunks) to assemble. If they stuck with the original colors or more anime accurate Perfect Cell, it would have been huge for them.

Edited: Shonen Jump Calendar will be updated later in the evening. Keep an eye out for possibly newly scheduled releases.
Did anyone ever get that RESOLUTION OF SOLDIERS VOL 6 Future Gohan? If so, what's the height compared to SH Goku?
Hahaha, I actually would like a 2nd version of SS3 so I can sell mine, it kind of dissapoints me
Did anyone ever get that RESOLUTION OF SOLDIERS VOL 6 Future Gohan? If so, what's the height compared to SH Goku?

He's not out until May.

I get so excited when the calendar comes out. I'm hoping for SSJ3 Goku/Gotenks or Tien/Yamcha confirmations [emoji1374]

I do, too. We didn't have anything last month but it seems Tamashii Nations has just recently filled out their August schedule and just began their September/October scheduling. Shonen Jump normally gives out the reveals ahead of time so it's possible we'll see something new. I'm honestly expecting a Figuarts Zero. There hasn't been one scheduled at all so far this year.
Come on SS 4, surprise me

:yess: Tamashii Nations has all the information they need from Super Saiyan 4 Goku Figuarts Zero EX and, if his reservations were good enough, they may be working on scheduling the S.H.Figuarts' release soon. Although, as crisis (I believe?) mentioned awhile ago, they may be working on Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta to pair with Super Saiyan 4 Goku as well. Vegeta's been a really good seller for Tamashii Nations lately and having a Goku/Vegeta paired release would be huge for the line.

Anybody else notice the increase in Super Saiyan 4 merchandise lately? Figuarts Zero EX, Figure-Rise Standard, and now Gigantic Series.
Speaking of Gigantic Series, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito...


I dig the translucent hair a lot. For a character/transformation to only appear in 1 episode of Dragon Ball Super, he's getting a lot of merchandise.