Question: can anybody tell me whether it's easy (for a noob) to give the original ssj goku hair a polish so it has a sheen? I wanna use it with PCE Vegeta and rather than repainting Vegeta's head, or both, adding the shine Vegeta has to Goku's original hair seems the easiest to make them somewhat similar.
What could I use? I've never done anything like this before. Doesn't really have to be anything that qualitatively high, just any way to make them more similar. (Assuming removing the sheen from Vegeta's PCE hair is harder or even next to undoable.)
Question: can anybody tell me whether it's easy (for a noob) to give the original ssj goku hair a polish so it has a sheen? I wanna use it with PCE Vegeta and rather than repainting Vegeta's head, or both, adding the shine Vegeta has to Goku's original hair seems the easiest to make them somewhat similar.
What could I use? I've never done anything like this before. Doesn't really have to be anything that qualitatively high, just any way to make them more similar. (Assuming removing the sheen from Vegeta's PCE hair is harder or even next to undoable.)
Just got this Trunks in the mail. His limited articulation on the legs is frustrating. Head can't switch with other shf Trunks.
I tried it on both pce and saiyan armor trunks. Peg on saiyan armor is too big and the one on pce trunks is too small. This xenoverse Trunks is somewhere in between.It would be fairly easy to brush or spray on some high gloss. I would think the color on the SWA Goku head would match PCE Vegeta much better. The hair color on OG SSJ Goku has an almost greenish tint to it. The couple I have do.
I know Testors has clear coat in a spray can. You definitely want high gloss acrylic with spray or brush. Avoid enamel at all costs. I think it would be easier to apply it with a spray can. Brushing it on can end up with visible brush strokes.
Which Trunks were you trying to fit the head on? I got my TP Trunks the other day and, while they are a bit tight, the heads fit on the Saiyan Armor Trunks. Definitely not OG or PCE Trunks. The faces, sadly, won't fit without a little modification.
Thanks Blog and misterw! Regarding the greenish tint, what I do is put an LED lamp onnir, small but very directly. It gives great shadows which highlight the mold, even make the yellow ssj gi glowy, and to boot it somehow miraculously washes out the green tint in the gphigh contrast. I recommend it. If you give him one of SWA Goku's faces you won't have a figure wasted. That's partly why I like the og goku mold, all the fabric ridges work really nicely heavily lit with light source directly above it.
And in that condotion some shading differences don't matter as much, only gloss or non-gloss, I'll look into it. I sometimes read that before adding anything, you have to rinse off a coat layer, is that for just a non-color gloss necessary as well?
Those banprestos look nice. Man an shf trunks with that energy blade would be awesome.
Thanks Blog and misterw! Regarding the greenish tint, what I do is put an LED lamp onnir, small but very directly. It gives great shadows which highlight the mold, even make the yellow ssj gi glowy, and to boot it somehow miraculously washes out the green tint in the gphigh contrast. I recommend it. If you give him one of SWA Goku's faces you won't have a figure wasted. That's partly why I like the og goku mold, all the fabric ridges work really nicely heavily lit with light source directly above it.
And in that condotion some shading differences don't matter as much, only gloss or non-gloss, I'll look into it. I sometimes read that before adding anything, you have to rinse off a coat layer, is that for just a non-color gloss necessary as well?
Not unless it's Tamashi store web exclusive.maybe, next week amiami will put for pre order - Shenlong! Don´t you think?