That Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black resin looks outstanding! I've seen multiple photos of it on Facebook so it's cool that somebody from this forum purchased one.
This has me thinking on what Tamashii Nations will hopefully do with Goku Black/Zamasu/Fused Zamasu in general.
Honestly, I would really like to see two releases of Goku Black in S.H.Figuarts form: Goku Black and Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black. I think the character is popular enough where collectors would purchase two releases of him and I do believe he's iconic enough for the EX line.
Zamasu really only needs an S.H.Figuarts form. A great accessory for him would be Beerus' hand pose when he destroys Zamasu.
Fused Zamasu would be great as an S.H.Figuarts and Figuarts Zero. It would be interesting to see if Tamashii Nations attempts a Monster form for Fused Zamasu. I don't think it would be a problem for collectors if Tamashii Nations downsizes the proportions of his right arm. Then Figuarts Zero Fused Zamasu with the halo...that would look amazing.