Not everyone can afford these especially if they're late to the game. Bootlegging is merely a result of that. I'm sure if these were readily available and priced reasonably people would prefer retail over cheap knock offs. People buy knockoffs because they have no other choice.
Bull f@cking $h!t. They have the choice to accept they missed out on ssj vegeta, or can't afford it, yes, they do. Nobody is entitled to having these. It has nothing to do with fairness, at all. There's no moral argument for owning a ssj vegeta toy!

Nobody is treated unfairly if they missed out on something just because it's sold out. If you think that's unfair, you think market functioning as a whole is unfair. That's fine, but that debate isn't to be had in a thread like this. Bootlegs are a result of people trying to cash in on scalpers with fake cheaper versions. Whether they succeed is on consumers. There is no reason you SHOULD buy it, you can only WANT to buy it and in my view a true collector doesn't WANT fakes. By definition. I can't believe this point is actually argued on a forum dedicated to collecting. A true collector does not buy fakes as a replacement for real pieces. Period.

You might as well not buy any originals at all anymore. In fact, like has been stated, a true collector cares for the thing they collect, and as such wouldn't cave in to something that could really screw the line. The pinnacle of something screwing a product is a cheap ****ing knockoff! Why the HELL do you think copyright was invented? If you think this product is too expensive, then don't buy it. But a knockoff is not collecting the original line. Ever. It's insulting it and its manufacturers.
Go ahead and talk about it here on the forum, it's a free... Internet, I won't actually try to stop you or anything. But I think it's ridiculous I have to stomach it in the main thread for the official line. I will state it again, it's easy, orderly and above all both cordially to other fans and respectful of the integrity of a collector forum as well as the product in question to at least do it somewhere seperate from the thread on the official line.
The fact that this discussion is even remotely a thing now is ridiculous in and of itself. Are people going to buy knockoffs of all of these when each sells out? And eventually, they will all sell out. What the genuine flying f@ck is that mentality? If you're a kid and you want a toy THEN I get buying knockoffs. Are you kids...?
Anyone can do as they wish, ultimately moderators decide what does and doesn't belong in a thread, not my forum, and I will abide by whatever happens, if anything at all. But you've lost my respect as a collector when you buy knockoffs as a replacement of the real thing, no excuses.