S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Back when that bootleg trunks long hair head came out, I reckoned it was too well sculpted to be a 3rd party out of the blue. Do you guys think it could have been pinched from the design/manufacture process of Broly? Don't they have similar SSJ hair?

Seeing the teaser made me think about it.
I don't think that's the case. Trunks KO hair is a completely different style than the rest of the line (curvature of the spikes, carved out lines, rounded silhouette, etc) Although his hair resembles Broly's there are some key differences that separate his from Broly.

bang length, Trunks has much longer bangs than Broly. And the back part on trunks is too short and too 'upward'
Broly's pretty awesome anyone have an idea when we will see actual pictures of him I can't wait hopefully well get more big figures now too like Nappa or Android 16
Well, I've gone from one extreme (utter disappointment over Vegeta) to the other (unbridled excitement over Broly!!!!). I can't wait to add Broly to my collection :).

He would have to be at least the same size if not bigger than Nappa, any smaller would be inaccurate

View attachment 115976

I want a Nappa figure so bad!

I hope they release a black hair and blue hair Brolly as well.

I would buy every form of Broly, but I'm not holding my breath.


not sure what to think of that xD

glad you're excited wolvie!



I LOL'd at this!
I bet they threw out that broly tease a day after prison ***** to mediate the response.:p

Kinda bummed out I will admit that I cant jump on the lovetrain for what'll probably be the most towering shelfpopping release so far. I like broly's design, if only his story wasn't so effing dumb (sorry, just the way I feel).

I was thinking, isn't he kindof the Doomsday of dbz? (@Bane)
I remember drawing a detailed portrait of broly when I was a kid, saw him in a magazine but never knew who he was.:lol

Maybe, if I have spare cash, I'll buy him just because of the nostalgia of not knowing who he was as a kid but seeing him in mags and fighting games.:lol
I think a lot of people share your opinion of Broly. He has an awesome look but his story is a bit underdeveloped. He is a total one dimensional character and reminds me of the way the Red Lanterns act out of pure rage.
Well one dimensional can be okay, frieza's simply a despot. But broli's one motivation is just dumb. He's literally just dumb... The whole baby crying thing is just too ridiculous imo.

And also somewhat retreading vegeta. Vegeta's the goku-grudge guy already. Don't exactly need that a second time for a completely trivial boring reason.

Toriyama designed him well and thn sent it to the moviemakers who clearly failed in giving him a good story.
i never liked broly as well, i think the movies break the tradition and cycle of powerful foes in the series, i mean broly before cell? it doesnt make sense, i dont like the movies a lot.

Heres a question, why is the wrists and middle band of goku ssj3 purple? just wondering, since i just got him and it struck me as odd
My opinion of Broly is this: would've helped the movie a lot if his motivations & hatred towards Goku were slightly altered.. perhaps have Broly under the impression that defeating the galactic tyrant Frieza was HIS birthright and his alone, and Goku stole that from him. Also, revenge on Vegeta for the sins of his father sentencing him to death. These alterations alone would've redeemed the entire Broly saga, in my opinion.
i never liked broly as well, i think the movies break the tradition and cycle of powerful foes in the series, i mean broly before cell? it doesnt make sense, i dont like the movies a lot.

Heres a question, why is the wrists and middle band of goku ssj3 purple? just wondering, since i just got him and it struck me as odd

Its like that because of his aura or something from what I remember ...
@Silrian Doomsday is probably a good comparison. He's got a really cool design, but as a character....he's just muscle. And the Death of Superman fight is boring because of it. I think his backstory was Kryptonian scientists trying to create a creature to survive the environment, and it each time it died, they experimented on new clones, until it could survive. Then Doomsday killed them and when he saw Superman's Kryptonian resemblance, he wanted to kill him. Although, he was killing everyone anyways, so that backstory doesn't change any motivation. Just like how Broly would try to kill Goku regardless of the history between them. Being that Superman is so powerful, I think a lot of people liked to see him test so physically, and then beaten to near death. I hear that's a big appeal of Broly, but the DB heroes are actually beaten to death multiple times, so that confused me.

Smallville had a really neat interpretation of him, and I heard he's really good in the New 52 reboot.

@crisis I agree. I really like the design, so that bummed me out. I wish the movie had Broly going after Trunks, and making Vegeta the star, fighting for his son. He could go Final Atonement style on him, atoning for his past as an evil Saiyan. The movies are what if's, so why not?
yeah in theory broly would be a physical test for goku, but the way the story is structured, each foe is more pówerful and the z fighters have to match the level, so broly becomes moot in the face of whats coming, namely perfect cell and buu
Yeah, they already did a great job of displaying the various types of the evil Super Saiyan would be will each of Cell forms already. I would have liked to see Paragus and Broly be the ones to try to bring Vegeta back to his bloodthirsty Saiyan roots, and have him wrestle with that.
How did the movie writers not come up with something half as good as the what ifs you guys are proposing? That's all I wanna know.
The Japanese are an odd bunch my friend (no offense to anybody, i respect everybody :D) they create characters that look 100% feminine, but turn out to be transexuals, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've seen some wild nonsensical animes that make Broly's story look like Shakespeare, lol

But really, I think Broly's mass appeal also comes from the fact that he definitely had the potential to be one of the strongest if not THE strongest character in DBZ, had he gone down a different path.
broly's appeal comes from the same place as bane, doomsday et al, big muscly foe that loks like a real threat to our normal sized hero