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I feel like he's a one dimensional character because he's from the movies. I mean to me Beerus, Whis, Cooler, Turles, Janemba, Lord Slug, Android 13, Bojack, and Hirudegarn are also one dimensional characters ( I haven't seen Dead Zone or World's Strongest so I can't speak for movie Garlic jr or Dr Wheelo)
To be honest, a lot of villains in the series were pretty one dimensional. Kid Buu just liked blowing things up and making goofy faces, #19's sole purpose is to get beaten by Vegeta by showing off his Super Saiyan form, and Recoome was just a big brick wall to show off how tough Goku was.
Well at least Beerus has a unique personality different from the typical DBZ villain. Like Jules says from Pulp Fiction, "personality goes a long way." :)
the whole series was like that, an enemy comes and beats the cannon fodder (yamcha, tien, krillin) to show how strong he is, then another character comes say(vegeta, piccolo or gohan) beats him to a pulp to show how much they have grown in power, and then that enemy transforms or his boss appears, beats the beforementioned character to show how powerful this enemy really is, and then goku shows and solves it all. (some exceptions)
I first saw Broly in the Japanese version of the movie (imported VHS, crap quality :lol ) anyway, I think it may have affected my perspective of him somehow.

Could be slight changes in dialog, IDK. But to me, he came off as someone who's mental development had been stunted because of an unrelenting trauma, aware enough to feel rage, but not fully understanding the cause of his pain, then resorts to misplacing his anger towards Goku, making him into the very embodiment of his suffering, believing this delusion that his death would remedy him somehow, free his mind from this cage that restrains it. The mind control device is like the physical manifestation of this mental cage, only adding to his internal anguish. Years of this turmoil only fueling his urge to break free from his restraints, and effectively break everything that seeks to inhibit him from expressing his true self, and targeting anything that resembles the source of his pain.

He's clearly not all there, he really believed that Goten was Goku, his mind is so damaged he can only survive by focusing what remains of his mind on a goal that will never be reached. Rage is the closest thing to lucidity that he'll ever know, and he subconsciously knows it.

That's how I interpreted the character anyway.
the whole series was like that, an enemy comes and beats the cannon fodder (yamcha, tien, krillin) to show how strong he is, then another character comes say(vegeta, piccolo or gohan) beats him to a pulp to show how much they have grown in power, and then that enemy transforms or his boss appears, beats the beforementioned character to show how powerful this enemy really is, and then goku shows and solves it all. (some exceptions)

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying. A lot of villains were only made to show how tough a character was and quickly be killed off. There are exceptions, but that's how it generally goes.
Beerus is obvi the exception...
Beerus kicks everyones ass, Goku tries to save the day, Beerus kicks his ass, Goku forfeits, Beerus says "i'll be back *****es and you better have some pudding for me ^__^" the end lol
thats not how it goes,
beerus kicks everyones ass, including goku, then says ill spare you since you entertained me, btw i did not use my full power and there are more powerful beimgs out there, the ened
So, anyone think we will actually see a new prototype (beyond Broly) at this year's SDCC? I will be seriously disappointed if we don't
but he did say he'll be back in 3 years and he wants some pudding when he arrives ^__^

But back to Broly, I also think people love the idea of him, rather than his character; the fact that Saiyans are paraded as the strongest fiercest warriors in the DBZ universe, and Broly is the pure embodiment of that, moreso than Goku and Vegeta. He's a testament to the ruthless Saiyan heritage of legend, and had he been canon & taken a different path, would've no doubt surpassed everyone else in raw power & strength, just because he's an anomoly. He doesn't have to train, he just is. People find that appealing, just like they find The Joker appealing; we don't really know why he is the way he is, he just is. Pure chaos. Like I said, had he been a non-Saiyan and just another powerful alien, then he'd be in the same boat with Bojack, Super Android 13, Lord Slug, etc.
He's a testament to the ruthless Saiyan heritage of legend, and had he been canon & taken a different path, would've no doubt surpassed everyone else in raw power & strength, just because he's an anomoly. He doesn't have to train, he just is. People find that appealing, just like they find The Joker appealing; we don't really know why he is the way he is, he just is. Pure chaos. Like I said, had he been a non-Saiyan and just another powerful alien, then he'd be in the same boat with Bojack, Super Android 13, Lord Slug, etc.
I agree with this as well, in terms of power he felt like the potential that the Saiya-jin race sought to achieve.
I always thought that the reason Broly's entire life could be ruined by one baby crying is because being born as a Legendary Super Saiyan means that you are just insane from the get-go. Baby ****rot crying just happened to be the first annoying thing that happened to him, thus his extreme rage gets focused on ****rot.

You guys have some good ideas though, would love to have seen a movie with a revised Broly backstory.
even with orbital frame's watermark, people are still confused rather it's real or not :rotfl


here's my post though :chillpill:


i gotta say it really gives me this feeling/satisfaction that i have him


OOoh who am i kidding....

Lmfao Blood.XD

I think THE misstep with broly is making him grudgy against goku. That's just copying vegeta without anything that made it good with vegeta.

Broly has a cool design but I'd have loved it if he was NOT evil, but just mind controlled. How cool ould ithav been had he been more likeSentry from marvel, where he suffers from mental problems and add to that his fathertrying to enslave him. Thenultimately, when he is defeated his father gives up on him and THAT renders him able to destroy his mindcontrol device. After which he could actually just leave to find solace in perhaps become a typeof hulkcharacter where he tries to protect people and becomes THW LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN but positively for other worlds in the galaxy.

He could tirn up in future movies as a goodguy agaonst sickenemies. Imagine Broly vs Beerus! **** like that.

I would've lovd it had he been like that. He didn't need motivation, his father was evil enough.
Broly genuinely should have been the hulk of DB, including him becoming a good guy.

Imagine him alongside the z fighters against other enemies, **** would be so ****ing cool.
I already do write fiction, lol, but currently have little opportunity to do so. But I will admit I do somewhat aspire to be a writer. As of yet not entirely serious yet, but maybe I'll make the choice to do so some day.
I already do write fiction, lol, but currently have little opportunity to do so. But I will admit I do somewhat aspire to be a writer. As of yet not entirely serious yet, but maybe I'll make the choice to do so some day.

and while you're at it add one direction in there too, you'll make big money!
Wait, I'm not sure what you mean with that sentence.XD

You want Broly to fight these guys?:lol

I actually have a massive world/story I've been working on for years and my dream is to have it become an anime series one day. But the emphasis is currently very much on the word 'dream' there.