S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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It wasn't called Dragon Ball Z until the anime. The compete story is called Dragon Ball, so it doesn't seem so out there if you look at it that way. I love the character stuff even more than the fighting, so I was a big fan of stuff like the camping trip in the Cooler movie, Parent/teacher conference in the Broly movie and Goku and Vegeta using their sons for bragging rights by who could get the biggest turnips in Yo Goku and His Friends Return way more than the villains. Worlds Strongest had the best fighting though! I love the hand to hand fighting more than the beam stuff!

Although my favorite moment of the series is when Vegeta sacrifices himself, "He's Always Late", is my favorite episode because it's one of the best showcases why I love these characters and this universe so much!
By the way, we should officially know what Goku's mother looks like in about a month! I am excite.

Does anyone know if this is in scale with Figuarts?
Why and where are they showing Goku's mom...?

By the by: I don't mind if we make a separate general DBZ thread on here, for everyone here. And just keep this one to topic...

Don't really care either way, but if others would want that I'm fine with it... Reasonable request imo.
@Silrian, Goku's mom will appear in a manga by Akira Toriyama. The character of the manga, travels around space, it's called "The galactic patrol man" I haven't read much of it, but I remember a chapter where he went to kami house.
In the Jaco Patrolman manga, I think. I think it's only in Japanese though, so I'll have to wait until someone talks about it on Kanzenshuu.

Oh and that whole mutant thing about Freeza. I think that's just a translation thing. Because in my manga, the Ginyu Force referred to themselves and to Goku as being mutants, since they were much more powerful than the rest of their race. Kind of like how there's people who geniuses and are far stronger than the norm in our world. So it wasn't a big deal, but I thought I'd let you know.
There is WonderCon Anaheim in April, but I'm not sure if Tamashii shows off anything there.


Anyone see this before? Life sized kid Buu papercraft.

LOL that is cool in so many ways, If had one I would likely sneak it into someones room and place it in front of their bed while they're sleeping. Imagine waking up to that! XD
Thanks on the feedback about my sig, don't worry I won't turn into a spambot lol.

If I see it bothers people too much I'll change it to something that's actually cool, if anyone feels a burning rage from seeing, just pm me about it and I'll take it down.
There is WonderCon Anaheim in April, but I'm not sure if Tamashii shows off anything there.


Anyone see this before? Life sized kid Buu papercraft.

LOL that is cool in so many ways, If had one I would likely sneak it into someones room and place it in front of their bed while they're sleeping. Imagine waking up to that! XD

I have done papercraft before and its extremely tidious, what would have made that craft much more epic if they fiber glass/ resined it and used body filler to smooth it all out to look like an actual statue. Thatd be insane imo lol
I'd personally worry more about it negatively influencing the image people would have of me philosopher. Only a handful of people actually speak up about stuff, but everyone else just quietly judges.:lol

But that's up to you to assess for yourself.:)
There is WonderCon Anaheim in April, but I'm not sure if Tamashii shows off anything there.


Anyone see this before? Life sized kid Buu papercraft.

LOL that is cool in so many ways, If had one I would likely sneak it into someones room and place it in front of their bed while they're sleeping. Imagine waking up to that! XD

Looks really cool! Was that from a kit or something? or from scratch?
I'd personally worry more about it negatively influencing the image people would have of me philosopher. Only a handful of people actually speak up about stuff, but everyone else just quietly judges.:lol

But that's up to you to assess for yourself.:)
LOL I see, this wont be a permanent thing though, just until I get the Krillin for my brothers birthday (which is this month) after that, I'll take it down because I agree that it's not in the spirit of this forum.

(I was originally just going to have a awesome gif animation, but they won't let us do that anymore :( )
Starting from scratch, would you guys rather of Tamashii completely flesh out one arc of Dragon Ball or keep do what they have by giving us the big characters from each arc (So you'd only get Roshi in a Dragon Ball arc, because he was not a major character DBZ or Tien or 17 in the Boo arc, even though they appeared)? Bare in mind, it would be the same number of releases of year, so you might end up with a minor character and they're still figuarts prices. I'd hate to skip out on my favorite villains and looks for characters, but at least you'd get characters that would never have a chance, like Zarbon and Videl, and different looks for the heroes during that era would never happen, Saiyan armored Goku and Namek armored Kuririn . If so which story arc?

I was thinking about the Cell arc, but man it would be so cool to have a Namek Goku with the Ginyu Force. It's tough!
I would have them do what they have been doing, maybe a bit more expanded though since they started off with all cell saga characters. I would also have had them do ssj Goku later, that would have given him a better mould. As good as he is, his design is rather bulky and ironically "monkey like"

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I don't see them doing that. There just aren't enough marketable characters in each ark. I think they're just going with the most popular figures, mainly from polls. I tend to agree with the polls too. I don't really care for minor characters like great saiyan man, or Master Roshi, given the cost of the figures themselves. Just not worth it.
It was just a hypothetical man! If we could go back in time figures would not be a priority! It was a stupid question, I was just trying start some fun discussion or something. You are absolutely right though, and that's why I think they've done an excellent job with character selection!

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