Super Freak
Ordered. Keep telling myself I’m getting out of this line, but the OT is too hard to resist! Bring on Leia!
Still no package from Anime Export on the Maul that was shipped back in November.
SAL is really this ****!?!?!
"11/17/2017 21:10 shipped out"
Still no package from Anime Export on the Maul that was shipped back in November.
SAL is really this ****!?!?!
"11/17/2017 21:10 shipped out"
Are the Threepio and R2 worth getting? Ami Ami had them in stock grabbed them when I ordered Ben.I have the Bandai kits and they're well weathered, but Threepio doesn't have much range of motion.
I think they’re both fantastic. The chrome on CP0 isn’t perfect but it’s good enough for me. The detail on both is awesome and they look great next to farm Luke!
Man, I'm down for some Solo figures already. I don't know what to expect just yet, but the tone from that teaser is awesome. He even sounded like Han!
Still no package from Anime Export on the Maul that was shipped back in November.
SAL is really this ****!?!?!
"11/17/2017 21:10 shipped out"
@potatoes Well there are normal releases and a variety of different exclusives, chief among them the web(shop) exclusive. Normal releases can be rereleased and are to my knowledge released in higher quantities. Exclusives, web included, cannot. So they are a one-time offering. One top of that they tend to be more expensive as well, so that combination is making figures like padme skyrocket, she was a web exclusive. Luke and Maul have both been rereleased once due to popularity and because thy are normal releases. There was a LOT to do about tamashii's policy to not rerelease web exclusive among the dragonball line years ago, because back then that entire line was web ex. They circumvented it with 'premium color editions' although they have a few times broken their own rule for real (shf zero ssj goku). That said, never expect that. Webshop exclusives are one-time only, will overall always be more epensive AND climb faster in after-market.
HOWEVER, to those outside Japan this line is a bit of an odd duck, because disney (or hasbro?) have not given Bandai's tamashii nations subdivision a lisence to distribute star wars figures outside Japan, contrary to most things (like Bluefin distributing many of their lines in the US). This is a third elemnt that has ad a weird price effect imo, because it's made web exclusives even more expensive (to ridiculous prices imo), but the normal release prices are actually pretty good, sometimes even cheaper than I was used to, if you know good shops. (See this thread.) I think the normal releases just have quite a big production quantity because star wars is such a huge brands.
So... Basically, check if it's a web excl, if it is assume it's a one time release only, ever (unless there could be an alternte version in color or whatever but that's more applicable to anime franchizes). If it's a normal release there's less fuss, although chances are still high they'll only be made once. But in this line's case they do seem to make quite a lot as said. Some major characters can see a rerelease but so far that's only been jedi luke, the first vader and maul, the latter due to his speeder being released. (They tend to 'pair' characters that belong together close in release.)
Hope that helps. If I'm wrong anyone here will correct it soon enough I think.
HLJ has good prices. But they often sell out quickly. I try to check once a week for new releases. Then I order from HLJ or AmiAmi.
HLJ has good prices. But they often sell out quickly. I try to check once a week for new releases. Then I order from HLJ or AmiAmi.
Silrian- wow this is amazing information. The prices of Padme, Anakin, Qui-Gon are all starting to exceed Hot toys prices for figures which is completely bonkers--I am being super picky about which ones I grab, but to be Stateside and have a chance at any of the exclusives is tough, and eBay sellers from Japan all state the risk of items getting caught up in customs fees.
Any advice on where to get the best deals on some of these? Bluefin, HLJ, BigBad? I would hate to have to go to eBay in the future when the Revenge of the Sith figures start to release. Thanks again for all the info above--I couldn't find anyone in other figure forums who could explain this.
I actually do go to ebay because I have the best experience with it in avoiding customs and I never PO. I've only found one web ex worth it, that was Qui, I just had to have the duel of the fates fight. He's insane expensive now too. Honestly, personally, if it's web ex for this line I just give up on it.Unless it'd be a MUST have but only two I can think of would be if they knocked emperor and/or yoda out the park.
Lot if people on here are more experiemced than me outside ebay (and POs).