Well, Sabertooth is exactly the kind of character that I hate maybe the most. He's vicious, strong , overly aggressive, and dumb. Those are the kind of characters and people I dislike the most. I have almost nothing in common with them. I dislike the Hulk for similar reasons, because he's big, strong, aggressive, and dumb. He's the kind of character the school bully would ALWAYS like. However, there was an intelligent Hulk at one time, with the intelligence of Bruce Banner. THAT Hulk I really liked. To me, the Hulk is too stupid to know right from wrong, and it is little more than dumb luck when he DOES do right, unless he has a personal relationship with the person he helps, as Bruce Banner. I can basically take or leave the Thing, because he is dumb and has a bitter attitude. I like Colossus a lot, because he is strong and I like the fact that he is living steel, and he has a good attitude, even though he isn't very bright. Venom has been mentioned in this thread, who I kind of like and kind of don't. He has Spider Man's powers, and is an Alien life form, both of which are very interesting, but he is vicious, like a parasite, and seems to serve little purpose with his agendas in this universe.
I don't like villains in general, and Sabertooth is like the white trash of supervillains. White Trash with regenerating ability and claws. Wonderful.

I like Magneto because he is intelligent and you can understand how he could feel disdain towards non mutants because of how the Nazis treated him and his family, so I can empathize with his position. I like Apocalypse because he wants to remake the world according to his own plan, and since he is thousands of years old, you can understand how he might have a few great ideas. I like Doctor Doom because he is extremely intelligent, and he is trying to amass power so he can save his mother from other dimension or something, so again, I can empathize with that.
Basically, I only like intelligent characters that have a noble purpose. I like Spider- Man, the Silver Surfer, and Captain America, for this reason. I also like the Punisher because he is so dedicated to eliminating criminals, in order to make the world safe. Why hasn't the Punisher found a way to kill Sabertooth yet? Logically, he would have by now, but Marvel wants to keep this villain. Frankly, I always liked the idea of Super Heroes just killing the super villains, and then just have new super villains come up all the time. I always got so tired of seeing the Joker break out of jail again and again, only to commit more crime, when I was a child. Why couldn't Batman just kill him, and be done with it, lol? In the words of Mace Windu: "He's a Sith Lord, he's too DANGEROUS to be left alive"

That's basically where I am coming from.