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I hope so but I mean come on, it is being delayed a month. Who are they kidding that if there are issues that they are going to be able to fix them all in month?

I'm sure they have been working on QC issues for more than a month, but they are just announcing the delay, possibly because the enhancments couldn't be completed by the time this was supposed to ship.
Precisely. If there's a delay to make adjustments to the figure, they'd have been working on it for some time with the aim of keeping it on time if possible and if that can't be done, you announce a delay.
Second flexpay has been postponed to October 5.

I got that email too. I don't mind the extra month wait, but I'm wondering about these "increased quality control procedures" too. What else could it be besides paint apps?
I got that email too. I don't mind the extra month wait, but I'm wondering about these "increased quality control procedures" too. What else could it be besides paint apps?

Perhaps they want to make sure the bodies aren't floppy after the Han/Luke trooper fiasco.
Perhaps they want to make sure the bodies aren't floppy after the Han/Luke trooper fiasco.

That's a possibility too. Though I was admittedly surprised to see issues with Han and Luke. The Stormtrooper was an improvement over Clone Obi-Wan, it sounded like the Utapau may have been an improvement over the Stormtroopers, not sure how the EU Stormie came out. I know Vader's body is fantastic, Piett is great, seemed like the floppy body kinks have been worked out.
That's a possibility too. Though I was admittedly surprised to see issues with Han and Luke. The Stormtrooper was an improvement over Clone Obi-Wan, it sounded like the Utapau may have been an improvement over the Stormtroopers, not sure how the EU Stormie came out. I know Vader's body is fantastic, Piett is great, seemed like the floppy body kinks have been worked out.

If by EU Stormtrooper you mean the Stormtrooper Commander then he is a bit better than the regular Stormtroopers, joints are tighter on him. Not that my Stormies have big problems with joints, they are quite solid, was lucky with them.
If by EU Stormtrooper you mean the Stormtrooper Commander then he is a bit better than the regular Stormtroopers, joints are tighter on him. Not that my Stormies have big problems with joints, they are quite solid, was lucky with them.

Yeah that one, I didn't care at all about that figure so I never bothered learning the name or anything.
That's a possibility too. Though I was admittedly surprised to see issues with Han and Luke. The Stormtrooper was an improvement over Clone Obi-Wan, it sounded like the Utapau may have been an improvement over the Stormtroopers, not sure how the EU Stormie came out. I know Vader's body is fantastic, Piett is great, seemed like the floppy body kinks have been worked out.

I think it's probably a mix of an actual few legitimate issues and chicken littles. I haven't had any issues since the original Stormtroopers, my Commander, Utapau and Han and Luke were all tight.
I've got Han & Luke, 2 x Stormies and CloneObi.

All loose as a goose, none of them can stand for more than a minute without falling and all "slump" at the torso and knee joints.

Guess I got all the bad Karma :monkey2 and you got the good Nam! :peace
I can't imagine it's just a matter of screws being tighter or loser, seems like there's probably something to do with glueing of some pieces and the consistency of plastics and all. I tried tightening screws on my Stormie legs with no luck.
I was going to sell this once I got it but I am going to change my mind if the figure turns out better as a result of the delay.
Part of me wants to sell it and just keep the Ex. hand, that hand is really all that's driving me on this purchase, I much prefer the gear and look for the orange pauldron Sandtrooper, but I really want to have that hand for the classic moment, it's all of like 5-10 seconds of film and yet I find I'd really enjoy being able to pose a Sandtrooper with it.
I actually will paint mine orange when I get it.. Not sure how thats going to work since it seems to be cloth though. Maybe I'll dye it. :lol