I always felt he was a perfect choice. The followers of this line are very critical, myself included, and the anticipation for armor's been huge. Clone Obi-Wan gave SSC a chance to show the world armored figures are coming, without having to unveil the big guns and keep working on them, plus if there were any major issues, they could conceal their other in progress stuff longer to make corrections. Mess up Clone Obi-Wan, and the fandom will be forgiving, as you may have seen with the Utapau Trooper, issues aren't let go easily, saves headaches to not bring on too much. The Utapau helmet causes a lot of chatter, had the armor had problems too and Utapau came first, it could have been an ugly nightmare. Obi-Wan allowed the waters to safely be tested before the big dive in, and it's all been going uphill. Stormies and Vader really impressed, now this Sandtrooper looks to be a success. A well played marketing plan if you ask me. Or who knows, Lucasfilm may have wanted to push Clone Wars and had a hand in it, you never know. Either way, we're getting some great armored figures in this line now.