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Just a silly Noob question if you don't mind guys. I have the Medi Orange Pauldron Sandtrooper (Squad Leader) and I intend on getting whatever sideshow releases in Sandtroopers in the near future. (I love the stormtrooper).

Is the white Pauldron Versions armor darker colours meant to be Sandblasted Chipped armour, showing weathering and damage to the armour surface or is it meant to be sand stained, sand covered armour.
(I hope this makes sense on what I'm

Thanks guys ;)

Given that there're lighter tones, I suspect it's supposed to represent stripped parts of the armor.
Let me explain this in English so that you understand. I produce a magazine. Correct. However, I have no direct control over how it's printed. Why? I gather the articles and compile them into the magazine format, arranging text, adding pics, general graphic arts stuff. I then save it in Adobe and take the PDF to the printers. I don't print it, I pay to have that done. If it comes back looking like crap, I'm stuck with the difficult decision of whether or not to put it out anyway despite the errors and piss of the advertisers and customers, or delay it until it gets printed correctly, which pisses off the advertisers and customers. Sometimes doing the latter only results in it looking worse. That's why it's a heavy option to weigh as it can lead to more and more delays while the product comes back worse. Ironically, I think Sideshow's in the same situation. A situation you clearly don't comprehend.

You think SSC is in the same situation...stop thinking, its clearly dangerous for you!:rotfl:rotfl:peace

Look your "magazine" is not the issue here and your inept printer problems are completely understandable. Why ANYBODY would continue using the same printer or factory, in this case, after having consistent and constant problems is beyond me. So as it pertains to that, you and SSC's need to be a glutton for punishment to the suppliers you pay is just asinine. And any logical thinking person wouldn't continue to employ their services.
You think SSC is in the same situation...stop thinking, its clearly dangerous for you!:rotfl:rotfl:peace

Look your "magazine" is not the issue here and your inept printer problems are completely understandable. Why ANYBODY would continue using the same printer or factory, in this case, after having consistent and constant problems is beyond me. So as it pertains to that, you and SSC's need to be a glutton for punishment to the suppliers you pay is just asinine. And any logical thinking person wouldn't continue to employ their services.

Life is not all black and white. Run your own business, then get back to me on that. :rolleyes:
any logical thinking person wouldn't continue to employ their services.

That may not be an option. Sideshow's product line requires certain factory resources to produce their products, who knows what factories are available for use. Without being hands on staff for Sideshow, we can't know all the details that go into a collectible from Prototype to Production and all the bumps in the road that can result in some figures making a significant change from start to finish.

I'm sure Sideshow does their best to deliver products as close to what they present in a prototype as possible, how products turn out is representative of them, they're not going to stick out situations that may not be best for their public image unless it can't be avoided. There's a lot about their business structure and the circumstances they face in trying to put out a product that we'll never know, all we can do is offer up suggestions on where things could be improved, hope maybe they can be acted upon, and just decided ultimately when something comes out, if it's what we want to spend money on or not.
Ok, back to the Sandtrooper... Got mine Friday through a buddy here on the board (thanks again SomethingSexy) and was really pleased. The body is the tighter then my other five figures that are on the armor body. Really happy with that... If it wasn't for the pack he would have no problems standing on his own. The accessories are just great. The gun, shoulder pauldron, backpack etc are all very well done.

Lopie's neck mod might be the best way to go to get his head to sit at a proper level. Without any modification the head practically sits right on top of the shoulders. SS should really remedy that for future releases. I tried a simple, quick, mod on mine and the results are pretty good. I took the cylindrical piece that sits inside the foot of a standard TrueType, the piece the barbell goes into, and slipped it into the hole in the helmet. It fit pretty snug and gave the neck a bit more length. Not perfect but much better then the fresh out of the box look.

I heated and reshaped the chest armor and also stripped down all the paint and re-weathered. This was a bit of a pain but it looks much better then it did and really worth the time. I'm really happy with this figure. SS hit a homerun, IMO. I'll try to post pics soon.
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That may not be an option. Sideshow's product line requires certain factory resources to produce their products, who knows what factories are available for use. Without being hands on staff for Sideshow, we can't know all the details that go into a collectible from Prototype to Production and all the bumps in the road that can result in some figures making a significant change from start to finish.

Duly noted but it may be an option for them considering there are other examples to point to that have not had these CONSTANT errors and mistakes. And I'll point out again that these are systemic errors that keep on occuring over and over again. Lackadaisical paint apps and far too loose base bodies.

I'm sure Sideshow does their best to deliver products as close to what they present in a prototype as possible, how products turn out is representative of them, they're not going to stick out situations that may not be best for their public image unless it can't be avoided. There's a lot about their business structure and the circumstances they face in trying to put out a product that we'll never know, all we can do is offer up suggestions on where things could be improved, hope maybe they can be acted upon, and just decided ultimately when something comes out, if it's what we want to spend money on or not.

No one is questioning, at least I'm not, SSC's effort to deliver the best they can...its their effort to get their factory to do so as well that's questionable.

And offering up constructive criticism is all I was and will continue trying to do. These "conversations" always go haywire when one persons analysis of the product they received is perceived as an attack on another persons grandma or something. I didn't come on here saying that someone's awesomely painted, great representation of the ANH Sandtrooper with the standard tight joints was BS...I just reported how mine was and that SSC is still lacking in execution.
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found a neet fix for the sandtrooper. I've got a few extra torso to neck posts from the newer sslim body truetypes. this post is longer than the standard post, as the attachment point in the body is deeper in. i THINK using this instead of the standard sideshow one will fix the neck length issue.
even more certian of it now that i've got my sandtrooper disassembled.... i just need to file the joint so that it will fit.

The slim neck joint isn't any longer from socket to ball, than the standard TT neck joint. The outer shell is (but it's only asthetic - it sits deeper), which makes it quite deceptive.
The slim neck joint isn't any longer from socket to ball, than the standard TT neck joint. The outer shell is (but it's only asthetic - it sits deeper), which makes it quite deceptive.

:lecture :lecture

Thought of doing the same thing myself. I even thought of switching out the neck barbell that comes on the Sandtrooper with the one on the neck of the TT Slim to get even a little more length since the Pro Armor body neck barbell is a bit longer. Wouldn't have made any difference... As Nam said, it just sits deeper, so once you've sanded/filed down the ridge around the socket so it can be used on the armor body it's then about the same length as the original neck. Too bad we can't get our hands on more of the long neck adapters that come with the HT Batman figs....
The slim neck joint isn't any longer from socket to ball, than the standard TT neck joint. The outer shell is (but it's only asthetic - it sits deeper), which makes it quite deceptive.

not talking about the neck.

if you take the neck off of a truetype body, and look into the hole in his shoulders, there is a ball on a stick that comes out of the chest that plugs into the neck adapter. THAT ball on a stick is twice as long as the one on the sideshow armor body. I had to dome some filing to this piece, but It now fits the sideshow body, and make my trooper look Fantastic :)
Further clarification. the only way to get that part off the slim body is to completly disassemble the chest section of the slim body. The reason i've got a few of these, is that i had to remove them from the slim body to be able to adapt the slim body to take a medicom neck.

I'm swapping my medicom figures over to that body.