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not talking about the neck.

if you take the neck off of a truetype body, and look into the hole in his shoulders, there is a ball on a stick that comes out of the chest that plugs into the neck adapter. THAT ball on a stick is twice as long as the one on the sideshow armor body. I had to dome some filing to this piece, but It now fits the sideshow body, and make my trooper look Fantastic :)

This piece can be removed? Did you take the entire body appart?

not talking about the neck.

if you take the neck off of a truetype body, and look into the hole in his shoulders, there is a ball on a stick that comes out of the chest that plugs into the neck adapter. THAT ball on a stick is twice as long as the one on the sideshow armor body. I had to dome some filing to this piece, but It now fits the sideshow body, and make my trooper look Fantastic :)

That makes more sense. :lol Though not so sure I'd butcher a TT for that. Pics?
That makes more sense. :lol Though not so sure I'd butcher a TT though. Pics?

I'll take some later, don't have my camera charged at the moment. Also debating whither or not to open my hasbro dewback as well.

I'll put some pics of my medi parker, and my medi Ghost rider who got the truetype bodies in question. As well as a pic of the specific piece.
I'll probably do the same mod to this one as I did my Stormie when I get around picking one up - drill out the inside of the helmet, and use an HT head and neck underneath.
I love my Sandtrooper too! I think SIdeshow did an outstanding job, especially considering what has been offered before.
I wish Marmit would re-release their Sandtroopers/Stormtroopers..though i am not sure if Marmit is even around anymore.
I'll take some later, don't have my camera charged at the moment. Also debating whither or not to open my hasbro dewback as well.

I'll put some pics of my medi parker, and my medi Ghost rider who got the truetype bodies in question. As well as a pic of the specific piece.

I'd especially love to see the Ghost Rider. The main thing preventing me from keeping him is the damn RAH. :lol
I'd especially love to see the Ghost Rider. The main thing preventing me from keeping him is the damn RAH. :lol

i had tto cut the "breastplate" off the head, but it works really well. i want to get him a black shirt to covr the white chest.

I still need to transplant my medi maul, my medi luke, vader, fetts as well.

That figure is possibly the worst POS Sideshow's produced. What is this? The imperial plumber?! Look at all the inaccuracies! He's got damn hillbilly teeth, a pecker the size of a macaroni noodle... don't even get me started on the diaper bag he's got strapped on his shoulder, I mean WTF?! C'mon Sideshow! You STINK!

:monkey3 As is to be expected, great pics Rook. Anybody who doesn't think this figure is just the bee's knees needs to have their ^^^^ing head examined... and then lobotomized.
:monkey3 As is to be expected, great pics Rook. Anybody who doesn't think this figure is just the bee's knees needs to have their ^^^^ing head examined... and then lobotomized.

Yep, great pic, but you might have the backpack on upside down. :wave

And the bee's knees? How old are you, Grandpa? :lol
While not the prototype style of weathering, the figure does look like it's been around and worn out from combat and not brand new off the line, and it looks more weathered than figures in the past.