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I've seen people still say 500 is a large edition size. There are plenty of edition size nutters here.

Put it this way you would have to think that there were at least 1000-1500 of the Dark Rider made and he's pretty much gone. Sauron's the main guy.

I can already see this piece being that ONE item that if you had to sell everything and keep one thing, it'll be this...

Fingers crossed!
I've seen this in person. Was nice but not perfect. I still think their armor paint apps need a lot of work. Scratch that, I know they do. Where Weta was black with silver drybrush, SS is all silver with no highlights. I've had two pieces custom painted by a real pro and the armor detail is what is most impressive. For mass produced pieces like Sauron they just need some inks to give depth to the armor. They achieved this with the Death's General piece which is why I am so bothered by it here.
I've seen this in person. Was nice but not perfect. I still think their armor paint apps need a lot of work. Scratch that, I know they do. Where Weta was black with silver drybrush, SS is all silver with no highlights. I've had two pieces custom painted by a real pro and the armor detail is what is most impressive. For mass produced pieces like Sauron they just need some inks to give depth to the armor. They achieved this with the Death's General piece which is why I am so bothered by it here.

I don't think it was the final paint app that was shown at SDCC. It looked like a rush job just to let everyone know the orange was going to be toned down. The armor did look a bit flat compared to the prototype pics and they forgot to paint the ring gold, so hopefully that all gets sorted out. We will have to wait till the final product is in hand to be sure.
In your opinion ;) But not his!

I prefer the SSW Sauron

I did say IMO so that was pretty clear. ;)

The SSW Sauron is a great piece. Nothing wrong with liking that one more but this one is equally great. If some folks can find a way to not let bias come in I think they would see that.

I don't think it was the final paint app that was shown at SDCC. It looked like a rush job just to let everyone know the orange was going to be toned down. The armor did look a bit flat compared to the prototype pics and they forgot to paint the ring gold, so hopefully that all gets sorted out. We will have to wait till the final product is in hand to be sure.

I was told it was a production piece at Comic-Con. Now, it could have been a bit rushed, which like you said is why the ring was missed. However, the armor didn't look any different to me than it did a year before. His armor in the movie was t shiny so I would much prefer what I saw at SDCC this year to that.
If i dont like the paint job or missing details, it's a total refund for me at that price.
Was the same for the DROM, and came up totally great, even better than the prototype ( the teeth didn't bother me).
From the pictures sauron looks awesome, and 99% of the time, things look better in hand than in pics... I cant wait for him to arrive
this will be just like the rwos pf ex and remain unsold for a long time, probably even worse sales # given there is no ex. A sure money loser. I will stick with my weta version much better pose and $500 cheaper.

:lecture We will see about that above far DROM did ok
:lecture We will see about that above far DROM did ok

Yea, what is that guy talking about, that drom ex sold out fast. How are they going to lose money on this, everyone is already presold out except for SS and they gotta be getting down to the last few hundred if not less.

Weta version is a great piece. Size, detail, BASE, etc... all better with this one though. Pose is a subjective thing, I don't love either so that is a tie for me. Tiebreaker goes to PF as a litho or canvas of the artwork behind it will bring it to life.
Sauron is now showing a firm ship cost in the shipping calculator. He will cost $52.98 to ship to NJ. He's going to be huge! My final payment is 9/15 and I ordered on day one so I'm hoping I make the first shipment.
Sauron is now showing a firm ship cost in the shipping calculator. He will cost $52.98 to ship to NJ. He's going to be huge! My final payment is 9/15 and I ordered on day one so I'm hoping I make the first shipment.

I think I'm going to order this. If it still has the $90 flex option on friday when I have the $200 deposit I'm all in. I'm going to have to sell some stuff to help pay for all the things I have on pre-order.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: God, I hope this sells out soon, so this temptation will be removed from my path!

I don't have the money or the space, but I really love this piece! :panic: