Looks fine to me.
Wow, that's really orange.
Why does this have so many QC problems?
Trust me the pics make it look good,The paint job is flat,dead flat.So much Orange,like he has hung out with the jersey shore douche's for too long,the top of his head is spiked like them too.!!!It looks like the armor is plastic yknow, it's supposed to look like metal .Looks fine to me.
It doesn't. Some may have a bit stronger look than others but a lot of it has to do with how the picture is taken and what light is being used. This has had no more qc issue than a normal I'd say.
Trust me the pics make it look good,The paint job is flat,dead flat.So much Orange,like he has hung out with the jersey shore douche's for too long,the top of his head is spiked like them too.!!!It looks like the armor is plastic yknow, it's supposed to look like metal .
i was planning on getting it in december, but im really worried, shipping alone is 235$ to India and add another 210$ for customs, dont know whether its worth it, some look ok, other so so,
im kinda disappointed because I honestly expected the levels of details like on the Reaper LSF ,sadly i dont think its the case here
i was planning on getting it in december, but im really worried, shipping alone is 235$ to India and add another 210$ for customs, dont know whether its worth it, some look ok, other so so,
im kinda disappointed because I honestly expected the levels of details like on the Reaper LSF ,sadly i dont think its the case here
Nope mines factory. No need to get it done the paint job on this piece is pretty darn good.![]()
If you say your Sideshow Sauron statue paint job sucks bro, I believe you 100%....was that a flash used on the photo, because I didnt see hardly any light reflect off it. and that is a sign of drab and dull...in regards to the paint world...If this statue was originally painted at the factory one color with a good quality Grey Metallic paint with a good light up base from the front with orange/red/yellow lighting and placed in a dark room or cabinet, it would be better looking, and it would be much, much more acceptable for many
My Sauron PF has arrived! #744/1500. I ordered it from a local store (Popcultcha). This statue is massive! I like it a lot! Though I need some rearranging of my collectibles to give space for this beast!
A quick phone photo:
However, mine has got a minor damage, which hopefully would be easily replaceable. One of the spikes on the right shoulder armour of Sauron had a small chip on the top.
As far as The Reaper it's a very cool piece. I would say its one of SS best piece but the best piece IMO they've ever done is Sauron. The details are quite well done across the board and the paint job IMO is quite good. I wouldn't hesitate to suggest anyone to get this piece and for me it's easily the best statue of 2013.
And why is that... Is it because your the ultimate LOTR fan or is it really because the statues paint apps are that good? "The best piece in my opinion they ever done is Sauron." Give me a break. I won't deny that this had the potential to be. But it ain't and most folks know it. That quote warrants a argument/discussion/opinion/rebuttal
Not having the piece myself, I'd say that the paint apps look a bit flat, but and it's a big but the scale of the piece also allows for natural shadows to form better than most scaled pieces, if I had the piece I'd probably would want to do the black wash in the detailing on the floral work
I have him, and it's stunning. It's as big as my 16 month olddaughter lol