Im trying really hard not to want this, but im loving it so far! the only SW PF's I have are Aayla and cyborg maul.......but I can eaither get Savage or the new DC lobo....decisions...decisions. But then again that new Deaths siren statue over in the horror section is pretty awesome too. maybe i'll just buy them
The only part I have a problem with this statue is that I have nowhere to put him right now... Currently living with 3 other roommates so I only have my room to display things, luckily I'll be getting my own place at the end of summer. Advice never live with 3 people, especially if theres a married couple involved...
No EX means I get to have this one for a lot less.Alex confirmed no EX so as long as its part of the Reg then yeah we may get a COH. I didn't really care about this announcement at first either but as I got deeper into the 3rd season I started liking the character. Hope he has a light up saber cause otherwise its not worth it. Too bad on the EX front. Could've been cool
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No EX means I get to have this one for a lot less.