Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I have an extra correct ANSA patch with yellow outlines for the Landon, but always thought the orange stencil threading stood out and was a cool difference!
I wanted to let everyone know here that I have finished my Associate of Arts Degree in Computer Information Systems and will graduate whithin the week! At 50 and dealing with complications of diabetes, I did not know whether I was going to make it at my age! Not that I am any way look old, but it is never too late to strive for something, even if it is a two year degree!:wave
Any pictures?

Congrats Kent! I had no idea you were 50. Exactly twice my age!

Hi Michael! I never get guessed my age! People think that I am in my early to mid thirties when they meet me! Good conbination of Sicilian and Irish blood I guess, except for the recent diabetes I have had to deal with the past two years! As long as I can control that, I am young as ever! Thanks for the congrats, Kent.:wave
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Whoo!! Congratulations KFOG!!! You are a winner and a fighter!!!! Sucks to have diabetes...but it can be controlled. Just be careful and take care of those glucose levels. Also, when you get sick with a cold or flu it wreaks havoc to your glucose levels!!
Whoo!! Congratulations KFOG!!! You are a winner and a fighter!!!! Sucks to have diabetes...but it can be controlled. Just be careful and take care of those glucose levels. Also, when you get sick with a cold or flu it wreaks havoc to your glucose levels!!

Yes, I really watch everything! I happen to have an identical twin who was diagnosed 20 years ago and he helps give reference for what to do and not to do! We are both former Marines and are mentally strong and disciplined! Actually got our strength from our Steel worker Dad!
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Ohh I've seen that page before. Some really awesome figures there. Labotimized Landon, steam bath Ursus, the minister... Too bad the Stewart corpse isn't pictured. I may try it in 1/6.

Yes, I actually thought about what IM mentioned using a female zombie figure and with the use of epoxie clay, inserting the blonde hair as it looked in the movie! I saw one a few months back on ebay that would have been close to the mummified stewart!
Oh, and I just thought of something else -- Jessica, are you doing anymore work to your nativity scene this year? I remember seeing pictures when I went through the thread.
Yes. I just poured a Dr. Honorious cast that I will paint up...and I have one of the king's outfits that I finished last night, from fabric scraps I had laying around. I need to sculpt the permanent feet on the figure...and hair up the hands...and somehow fix the cast on the body.
FUDGE! I couldn't find the little baby chimp...I'm going to have to make another one. is Dr. Honorious. I think I will paint his boots a darker color...I'm thinking that there will be tons of frou frou I could buy at Michael's to create a beautiful box their findings in the bead I want to sculpt a crown for Dr. Honorious. Darn it that's one of the ugliest photos I have taken. Hate that. Oh well. I've got a lot of stuff I'm doing right now, and I just can't deal with retaking the photo.


Zira, Zira, give me your answer, do,
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two.
Too busy to make anything during the holidays, which just gives me more time to plan out future projects!

This Sean Connery sculpt is PERFECT for this orangutan in the Cataclysm series. The costume will be easy enough, too.



It's got the forehead wrinkles, hairline that I can continue into the beard, good eyes/expression. The muzzle will cover the mustache and I would only need to sculpt little pronounced ridges over the browes... I think I could nail this one!