JJ, That little diorama is great. Don't forget to include a hose for Julius to use while he yells, "Shut up you Freak!" I can't wait to see your work. I know that you have been working on your Abbott and Costello figures for many years now. I truly hope you are able to get some progression soon, good luck and please show some work in progress pics! I sure miss those guys. What a great duo.
I am leaning towards getting those horses, I would love to see a Gorilla soldier on one or my Sioux can use them. I did a stop motion bit using the articulation of the DML Dragon horse but somewhere around frame 143 it toppled over and caused a jump in frame,

oh the good times.
IM, I was wondering about all the detail on that wagon, such a shame. I thought it might work as a vender cart or something. I remember Jessica once wanted to do a market scene and I thought that - that wagon would work, load it full of produce or hay?
I will try to get some photos tomorrow of some apes hanging out, depends on how much I can uncover and find. It is supposed to be a nice day all around, so maybe we can get some more photos up? It would be great if we can do a theme like the protest shots we used to do for SS to make more apes,

good times.....
Here are three old cage shots of mine I took while building my Ape City. Look how little the Lawgiver statue looks in the second shot!
Amazing how all of that looks nothing like this!