Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Thanks all for liking the new avatar!!
Angel, I wish i had been able to get a response this good on the original Armando poll!! At least we'll now have him. Kudos and thanks to you my friend!!
Jess, the head you want is here:
Go to the order form, page 4. The gorilla head is there. $12.
Yes, what Armando pix? I don't see any.
*******POTA ALERT*******
AMC is airing Planet of the Apes followed by Beneath starting at 1230 am EDT
Nevermind, just found the email with the pix!! :monkey3
KFog, Ironman, Stickman and Jessica - I took about 20 pictures of gorilla #5 and #6. This one (1) picture was the only one that didn't hurt my eyes... and the photo is still pretty bad.

I'll be cutting those knobs of the top of their heads and making them perfect for you guys. I'm sorry, but I'm running behind a tad. I'll be safe in saying they'll all be in the mail by Saturday. I hope I don't step on any toes, for dragging behind a bit. Oh yeah - I'll be drilling them out as well so that they easily pop onto the Sideshow neckpost

Angel, you can take your time with mine. I still have to acquire a body for I'm going to have to keep that head bobbing around my craft box for a bit.

Jess - Ironman once told me the guy that sells these gorilla heads that you're after. I can't remember now. Ironman will know. I actually bought one, but really hated it. [SNICKS looks great because it was covered up with all that cool looking hair.] Ironman posted one recently that had a FANTASTIC paint job, but the neck was that of a giraffe once placed on a SS body.

I wish I had a before and after. To me, he looked liked a misfit and a little quirky amongst my Sideshow apes.

I had to grind the gorilla head down an awful lot at the base so that it would sit on the gorillas shoulders properly. His neck was just to long otherwise. I also changed his hair to look look more like a Sideshow gorilla. You'll have to be the judge, perhaps you'll like the other one better

Oooh. I like your gorilla too. So this is the same sculpt as Ironman's and Snick's but with different hair?
I thought you would. I actually saw this on ebay a couple years back, but was unable to get it.:monkey2

Kfog, it's great to save all of these photos for references. I never thought of doing that, but I'm going to start now.

Did someone say Battle for the Planet of the Apes?:monkey1

I ordered this from I scanned my artwork, and finally put it on a coffee mug--I have been thinking about doing this for a very long time. It's a press photo for Battle, but back in highschool, I traced it with pencil on vellum and covered it with contact paper. OK, so I didn't "really" draw it, but I did create it--so I call it my artwork. It's got a little bit of yellowing in the back due to the contact cement that I used to glue it on paper. If I really wanted to, I could probably remove the old contact cement from the back--but I kind of like the yellowed effect of it.

I am just so excited about my mug, though. Do you guys like it?

Now I can REALLY enjoy my coffee...

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Here's my tent now. I've chopped it down but I ran out of wood so I must go for another craft run. Here's a before and here's an after. I will probably re-do the vertical wood pieces just to straighten it out a bit. I did not tie down the wood first--I just held everything in place with a glue gun. Even the fabric underneath was pasted on with a glue gun. It looks like some kind of tropical bar tent, huh, with that human in blue skivvies...

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I ordered this from I scanned my artwork, and finally put it on a coffee mug--I have been thinking about doing this for a very long time. It's a press photo for Battle, but back in highschool, I traced it with pencil on vellum and covered it with contact paper. OK, so I didn't "really" draw it, but I did create it--so I call it my artwork. It's got a little bit of yellowing in the back due to the contact cement that I used to glue it on paper. If I really wanted to, I could probably remove the old contact cement from the back--but I kind of like the yellowed effect of it.

I am just so excited about my mug, though. Do you guys like it?

Now I can REALLY enjoy my coffee...


Again... anything with an orangutan... ME LIKE! :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

And I don't drink coffee. :rolleyes:
I'm off from from work today, so I'm working on the ape wagon molds and those 6 gorilla heads. Jessica, PM me your mailing address so I'll know where to send it once it's done. I've already got the mailing addresses of KFog, Ironman and Sticks.
Now, that is much more in the correct scale, Jess!

The Ape market place will be open for business in no time!

Just wanted to let you know that I sent $$ for an unpainted Armando, and put my shipping address on the paypal information.

I just saw a message flash up on my computer screen (while I was reading my e-mail over at Yahoo) that said "Don't just wish, make it happen!"

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for doing more than just wishing and for making the Armando Project happen. :)