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KFog - I just returned your money for The Armando Project. PLease check you PayPal account.

If you do not receive your painted gorilla heads with a couple more days, just let me know and I'll give you back all that money also.
And this is a night we should be praising your wagon cast!

As I said before, Snicks and Sticks, you are getting way more than what you have paid for in Angel's wagon. Not only did it take a lot of effort to create the wagon in the first place, but the time spent on perfecting it, by carving out the wood so that it looked like a bunch of gorillas made is awesome.

Angel, I'm going to ignore the rants on the earlier posts because they do not have a place here. Any grievances should have been taken off post, but that is just my personal opinion.

Angel, I'm going to ignore the rants on the earlier posts because they do not have a place here. Any grievances should have been taken off post, but that is just my personal opinion.


I concur. March on!
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Angel, I really enjoyed the shots of the wagon, they look great. I wish I was there helping you make a set. :monkey5

My City grows. and I can't wait to show some pictures.
Angel... There are people here that love you...

Don't cut us all off because of an unruly member.

And I Don't Want Anything!!!!

This is more than just a thread of strangers to me. I really love many people here. We have a wonderful group here of very encouraging, upbeat people with wonderful wit. However, I cannot deal with such disruptiveness... it overwhelms me.

My integrity means absolutely everything to me. It’s who I am, who I strive to be. I feel as though I was robbed tonight, by all these ramblings and accusations of one person.

I surrender. I surrender, so I will gladly give back any monies to anyone wanting out of my projects. I aim to restore order and faith in me as I bow out from all this. My goal is only to make others happy. Whatever the means…
Jess/Jungle/Sticks: Thanks for all your support and belief in me. To me, this situation is heartbreaking… I don’t enjoy feeling like this.

I'm logging off for the night - there’s really no point in having others continue to read about my injured feelings. :rip
Jess/Jungle/Sticks: Thanks for all your support and belief in me. To me, this situation is heartbreaking… I don’t enjoy feeling like this.

I'm logging off for the night - there’s really no point in having others continue to read about my injured feelings. :rip

Have a good night brother. We look for your return.
Good night guys. I am logging off too. I just had a latte and ate two slices of espresso brownies. It is going to be a long and sleepless night for me, I am afraid. :monkey2 Tomorrow I will be busy trying to get some shelving done for my market scene and then dry brushing and finishing the fruit and completing the dress rack. There is so much I want to accomplish and so little time. Thank goodness for the 3-day weekend.

Sticks--can you tell me what you used for the bars of your jail again? I don't want to backtrack on this thread. I only want to march onward. I have a sense of how I want to make a wall with bars but I needed some direction.

Ironman, since I’m just giving all these things away once again. You might as well just keep gorilla head #6 that you already possess and haven’t paid me for. I’m getting out of this monkey business, and will no longer be helping you guys… it’s just not worth this aggravation caused by KFog. I’ll just continue to take the loss of money from my pocket and walk away…

I sent the $ this morning. I understand your frustration and anger at the accusations and innuendos raised here by one of our own. I don't understand the lashing out at me when I told you upfront that I would need a bit more time for the 2nd head. It was you that decided to ship both together and await the payment.
I was among the first to step up on your behalf, and would be again, but the ends don't justify the means if you lash out at the rest of us here or decide to "punish" us by no longer wishing to deal with us.
Yes, this matter should have been handled privately, and only brought to the forum had no resloution been reached. It has already passed that point though and what has been said cannot be taken back.
I am distressed that in the over two years since I started this thread that we are now facing a civil war where we never had any major arguments in the past. This post has finally grown to where I had long ago hoped it could. Oh, not with new offerings from Sideshow, but from within our very midst. Now, it seems that that was an all too fragile arrangement.
Kfog, if you have always gotten your items within 6 days you are either one lucky guy or you order very close to home. There are several dealers and online shops that I have been happy to deal with over the years but few have met the within one week dream.
Angel, all I can ask is that you not punish the many for the deeds of the one and reconsider sharing your many wares with the masses again.
If this thread is going to deteriorate from its origins than I will ask Dave to lock it. I would rather see it closed forever than see it turn into a place not worth visiting anymore.
I just woke up and called the U.S. Post Office regarding the undelivered packages of Jessica and Kfog. I explained to the postal clerk that I mailed out 2 boxes FIRST CLASS MAIL from West Virginia to California (Jess) and Arizona Kfog). I was told that both of these packages should have been delivered in 5 days and that they were sent via truck (ground) all the way out west. I am asking that both of you wait a couple more days. Please let me know if they arrive, as I believe they will. The odds of 2 of my packages being lost is just astronomical! From my experience, I can think of a couple of occasions, where the post office has taken longer than expected for some unknown reason. :acme

P.S. This morning, I explained to Denise what occurred on this thread yesterday. She's like me, in that we're all about doing what's right to keep both of you happy even when I told everyone UPFRONT, that I was planning on using First Class mail. She doesn’t like this situation either… it’s obvious to me that this delay was only compounded due to a lack of patience, and the belief that the U.S. Postal service is faultless. I stand behind my custom items to each you, and guarantee the items for a refund, even when it hurts me financially (or otherwise.) I apologize for the late delivery; I do not know what more I can do at this point.
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I sent the $ this morning. I understand your frustration and anger at the accusations and innuendos raised here by one of our own. I don't understand the lashing out at me when I told you upfront that I would need a bit more time for the 2nd head. It was you that decided to ship both together and await the payment.

Ironman - It's obvious you don't understand whatsoever based on your comments listed above. Angry? No. Sickened. Yes. You think I was "lashing out at you, over payment?” When did that occur??? Please tell me, I really want to read that.

I said you and Jess could keep the gorilla heads as "freebies". I understood, based on our previous communications, that you’d be a several weeks for the 2nd payment. I'm saying that I'm out of business because of KFog. I was saying that payment is no longer important for these items compared to having the trust of you guys. I would rather return everyone’s money as opposed for anyone to thinking I was dishonest. Making these items is something that I’ve always done out of enjoyment and a willingness to help people whenever I could. He has single handily crushed all that by wearing me down with his comments. It's just much easier to just stop... it's not worth the worry of always trying to please everyone.

Now this situation seems to have gotten worse. Even the General is tossing "trash" at me claiming that I was lashing him. I’m sorry for all this, and I’m confused Ironman, please answer my question above.
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Ironman - It's obvious you don't understand whatsoever based on your comments listed above. Angry? No. Sickened. Yes. You think I was "lashing out at you, over payment?” When did that occur??? Please tell me, I really want to read that. I totally understood, based on our previous communications, that you’d be a several weeks for the 2nd payment. Making these items is something I’ve always done out of enjoyment and a willingness to help people out all along whenever I could.

This situation seems to have gotten even worse. Even the General is tossing trash at me now. Ironman, please answer my question above and tell me where I ever said that.

Perhaps I misread it:
Ironman, since I’m just giving all these things away once again. You might as well just keep gorilla head #6 that you already possess and haven’t paid me for.
I am not looking to "toss trash" at you, but I am not misunderstanding anything either. I can understand your frustration with comments made by Kfog. But, don't start getting paranoid whenever someone else post and thinking they're ganging up on you.
Even the General is tossing trash at me now.
I suppose I should be sickened and/or offended now.
This is exactly the type of downward spiral I referred to. This is not the direction I would like to see this thread take. If we can't work things out amongst ourselves, especially over something as menial as a couple of days shipping delay, after all the time we've spent here then maybe its time for it to end.
With that Ironman :dunno- I'm gone. That's my last whipping/argument and/or misunderstanding. I'll keep in touch with all of you long enough and get your monies back to each of you.

Jess/Sticks/Jungle and Dr. Zaius - It's been a real pleasure. It was great getting to know each of you. Bye. ~Angel~

Keep in touch via e-mail. If I can ever help the 4 of you, i certainly will. You've all proven to be good friends.