Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Angel, thank you!!

I will do all of those things you mentioned this weekend. I will re-do the parts of the face that are lumpy (I have super fine sandpaper)...and I didn't realize the lines of the face are cut too deep, so the Apoxie will have to work its miracles there. I think I used the wrong type of brush for his hair--but that is an easy fix from what you have written. I'm going to have to be patient to wait until I can work during the day under natural light. My eyes play tricks on me at night and my colors look very off. Don't know if it's the contact I wear or just because I'm not so great with colors.

I will definitely take those criticisms to help polish up my lump of coal. When you see Taylor again, he will look loads better. I will also lower his lids a little bit with a fleshtone (I used black but I think using black is a Mego kind of habit). At this moment, he looks too much like a deer caught in the headlights.

Jess... Where is that sculpt from? Is it mego sized or is it 1/6th?

I concur with Angel's critique, and I will add that you should also include light blond highlights in his hair as a final step. Take a good look at the film and you will see that Heston's hair had some very light blond highlights in it.

Your work is just great and with what Angel told you it will be that much better!
I would make the "paneling" for the Icarus using something such as clay, Sculpey and/or Apoxie. By pressing the triangular shapes into the clay, you could get the same effect that the paneling is. Try to picture a meat tenderizer and pushing the little pyramids into Apoxie Sculpt. They have meat-tenderizing hammer with this basic design.

Here's a couple more helmet shots of Ursus. I don't think I ever posted these. :angelsmil

These pictures are better than the ones you previously posted.

Simply the best Ursus I have seen. I love the open mouth and the paint work is just superb. You really captured his soul.
Jess... Where is that sculpt from? Is it mego sized or is it 1/6th?

I concur with Angel's critique, and I will add that you should also include light blond highlights in his hair as a final step. Take a good look at the film and you will see that Heston's hair had some very light blond highlights in it.

Your work is just great and with what Angel told you it will be that much better!

I'm still mucking around with the Megos, Jungle. I don't know where that sculpt came from--it was a surprise present from one of my Mego peeps when he came to visit. I couldn't find my sandpaper---so I went crazy and went for nailpolish remover...of course if you give a gorilla a know how the story goes....

Taylor's face and most of his hair has been peeled off by me where the nailpolish remover couldn't remove it. The paint job was so rough it was bugging me, so I am in the middle of fixing it. I will rewatch the movie tonight and tomorrow so I get inspired...I really want this Colonel Taylor to look spectacular. I am taking any criticisms I get and I will use that as whetstone to hone my customs!!! I want all my stuff to look sharp.

In hindsight, I think my main problem was not using a slow-drying agent in my paint, so it was drying on me in the middle of my work and that's where the thickness glop came about. I have some though so I will definitely be mixing it with my paint and hopefully my next posting of Colonel Taylor will be much better than my first.

Sticks - If you motivate me enough with your updates to Ape City, I may move more rapidly on the wagon. I'm looking forward to your work inspiring me. Bring it on! :angelsmil

Oh, I will have to try then won't I? I received half of my order today. Most of my lights are in except a set of barndoors. I need to call B/H tomorrow and and recheck my original order, maybe I only ordered one. :monkey4 Too tired and sick back then. :lol

So, hopefully by tomorrow evening PST time:monkey3 I'll have some test shots up. The set is still raw, but I'm ready to shoot.
Jess - Lets call them "minor improvements" to Taylor, not criticisms. That sounds so negative and I’d really like to help you if I can. I really like all that you did here with the 1st painting effort.

By the way, the wrinkles in his forehead may look fine in person. They add realism, but in the photo they appear really deep wrinkles. You'll have to judge that for yourself.

I'm going to be working on my Taylor today and maybe before the end of the day I will have something better to show. I am going to turn on the movie to get inspired and to study his hair and face. I also smoothed out his forehead a bit with apoxy and wrinkles are still there but do not seem as deep as before. I'm still working on applying the paint smoothly, and I am having a hard time with that. Do you think if I add water to thin it down it would help?

:chew :chew The glyphs came!!! The glyphs came!!! :chew :chew

Actually they arrived yesterday... I spent that rest of the day removing the sholder patches of of the Zaiu's riding suit and finding a way the affix the glyphs to the suit at least just temporarily.

I found a rather strange method. My daughter is a Girl Scout and my wife was applying some of her merit badges last week. Instead of sewing them on, my wife uses a product called Badge Magic. It is a VERY thin piece of adhesive that acts like double stick tape only MUCH MUCH thinner. It is only a hair thick. Well, when this material heats up it becomes glue. If you are using the material to affix merit badges, you are suppose to machine dry the vest after the badges have been applied to glue them in place. Well, I'm using a hair dryer of Zaius and the results are the same. The great thing about the product is that you can adjust the glyphs (and re-adjust) after applying them to the suit in order to get them where you want them. :D

I'll post pictures VERY soon of my progress with this. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Here are some outside shots. Please note that the large shoulder piece has yet to be attached permenantly to the figure.

I would make the "paneling" for the Icarus using something such as clay, Sculpey and/or Apoxie. By pressing the triangular shapes into the clay, you could get the same effect that the paneling is. Try to picture a meat tenderizer and pushing the little pyramids into Apoxie Sculpt. They have meat-tenderizing hammer with this basic design.

Here's a couple more helmet shots of Ursus. I don't think I ever posted these. :angelsmil

Wow great job Angel, the general looks great, he truly does. I really like your APE sculpts. I will be interested in more if you ever make more batches.
Wow... that Ursus of yours, Angel, is looking VERY nice. Perhaps my Zaius and your Ursus should go to the Fobidden Zone and kick some Mutant butt! :lol :rotfl :lol
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PZ, your Zaius is looking so spectacular!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get me one of those!!! OK...I'm working on it. Great idea about the merit badge glue--where do you get those? It is exciting to see the glyphs on the figure. :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Jungle, are you still on the lookout for the white crinkle fabric? I went to a fabric shop today and I got two snippets of white crinkle fabric so I could photograph it for you. One of them is kind of see-through (not satin-y but it's got a great pattern) and if you were to paint the background white, it should not be a problem. The other one is just ridged, but it is satiny. It was very cheap and the store is in my neighborhood. Let me know if you want me to pick you up some.

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PZ, your Zaius is looking so spectacular!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get me one of those!!! OK...I'm working on it. Great idea about the merit badge glue--where do you get those? It is exciting to see the glyphs on the figure. :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Jungle, are you still on the lookout for the white crinkle fabric? I went to a fabric shop today and I got two snippets of white crinkle fabric so I could photograph it for you. One of them is kind of see-through (not satin-y but it's got a great pattern) and if you were to paint the background white, it should not be a problem. The other one is just ridged, but it is satiny. It was very cheap and the store is in my neighborhood. Let me know if you want me to pick you up some.


Thanks Jess, neither one of those would work for Dracs Box. The burgandy color I used is as close to the texture that I could find. One of these days I will get brave enough to try some white fabric paint on it.

Thanks again for trying!
Wow great job Angel, the general looks great, he truly does. I really like your APE sculpts. I will be interested in more if you ever make more batches.

Thanks Sticks... I'll hook you up... in time. I've just promised myself not to work on anything else until these wagons are done.
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Here are some indoor shots... Enjoy!




PZ- Excellent. I hope you're happy with it. Your Zaius looks like the photo from the simianarms website that I took back in 1981. I think your outfit is fantabulous. My only suggestion is to glue down the glyph edges. Excellent job. You have made this thread proud.

ANG - You gottsta make me an Ursus helmet! That thing is amazing.
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The glyphs look great, but they look way too thick. Is there any way to sand down the unseen side to make them a little thinner?

The glyphs look great, but they look way too thick. Is there any way to sand down the unseen side to make them a little thinner?

I was thinking the same thing. When I get mine I'm going to shave them down a little bit.

Jungle, they do have fabric paint that comes in a spray can--I think that should work well for you.

Snick hired the right guy to sculpt those glyphs and Matt did a great job casting those rubber pieces with the coloring on them. That's a quality item. They look beautiful!

I wonder if it might look better if the Sidehsow vinyl on Zaius' sleeves could be matched the same color as the glyphs? I think that might make it look even better.

Does Zaius have glyphs on his boots as well?

I was going to put the glyphs on the boots so I watched Beneath again before I applied the glyphs to make sure I put them on right. Well, to my great surprise, I didn't see the glyphs on the boots in that film. I always thought he had them. Here are a couple of screen grabs of Stunt Zaius on a horse:


Can anyone provide me any screen shots of Beneath of Zaius with the glyphs on his boots?
Angel, I found a wonderful tutorial on silk screen printing, while trying to figure out which type of ink to use for mine. Now I know better...This tutorial is great and everything is easily purchased anywhere--and best of all it's cheap!! Wish I knew about it before I ordered that kit.

I am so going to do this with that picture you posted regarding evolution. I "burned" my Caesar Che image today but I don't have the ink, so I will have to order online if I can't find it at Michael's or Joann's. I have another photosensitive sheet to make another design on, but it wasn't as easy as they said it would be--it took awhile for me to scrub off the positive crud on the silkscreen, and tore up "test" sheet that they provide in the kit.

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I was just wondering PZ how you knew the order of the placement of the glyphs--are they numbered? Is it something I can figure out without screen references?

Looking at them again, they look like real leather and look so yummylicious!!!! I think Angel's suggestion of coloring the SS fleather to match is a great idea so that it would make the outfit look more complete. Are they very flexible or a stiff kind of gummy?

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