Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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PZ your Zauis looks great. Here are two quick shots. I have a lot of work to do.

Sticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so totally inspired by your cinematography. I wish I could be there in person and help you build and see how you set up and learn a lot. You have done a lot, it seems, even though you say there is plenty more left to do. I am really digging all of your stuff. What kind of lighting did you say those are? I hate my digital camera when I have to use a flash.

Can you tell which is a standard gorilla and which is a marauder? I have yet to see them side by side...

I worked a little bit on Taylor's face. I added a slight blush. I tried to smooth out the paint as much as I could. I will post photos tomorrow. I need to add browns and highlights to his hair. Right now it's all in black and he looks like Burt Reynolds. The wrinkles on his forehead are not as gouged as before, thanks to Angel for spotting that...and I think his eyes are pointing in the same direction.

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Jessica, I blush from your kind words.:eek: Those photos are rather flat and the focus still needs to be tweaked. My apes would love to have you over. :lol
I still don't have a story for this bit, I was really focused on my Western skit this year, until the Great Jom delivered the news of Sideshow's commercial contest, which now has me scrambling. I will continue to post test shots and such until I am ready, hopefully the 17th.

the lights are from MOLE RICHARDSON. I'm missing a barndoor. lol :monkey2 I need to practice more lighting exercises.

Too dark, no backlight or fill.
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It is always a treat to see your photography skills on display! I can never get enough! You have a very good eye, my friend!
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Can anyone provide me any screen shots of Beneath of Zaius with the glyphs on his boots?


Here's one. Looks like they remembered to affix the boot glyphs for the cyanide scene at least, while half the arm glyphs are falling off. Kinda looks like the "old boy" just ran out of fabric glue.

It is always a treat to see your photography skills on display! I can never get enough! You have a very good eye, my friend!

Thanks a bunch Jom, I had to order another barndoor this morning, now I'll have to wait another ten to fourteen days. :monkey4

Here's one. Looks like they remembered to affix the boot glyphs for the cyanide scene at least, while half the arm glyphs are falling off. Kinda looks like the "old boy" just ran out of fabric glue.

Thanks Matt for the photo reference. I'm still having a hard time figuring out where the glyph face. I don't want to make the same mistake Sideshow did on Zira. :rolleyes:
I think I'm going to take the nailpolish remover again and start all over. I thought his eyes were pointing in the same direction, but when I take a closeup, it's not what I thought. The only good thing about him now is his blush. Still working on his hair. Should I remove his hair and eyes and start all over with those sections?...or should I just dunk his head in nailpolish solution and remove everything and start from scratch? Is there any way to save this thing?

Heston is getting better Jess! However it appears that his left eye is larger than his right. I think you could even add more blond highlights to the hair here is a picture that may help:
Heston is getting better Jess! However it appears that his left eye is larger than his right. I think you could even add more blond highlights to the hair here is a picture that may help:

Thanks, Jungle. That really helps. Whatever I had printed out are in black and white. I have already peeled off 75% of his paint now. I think he's getting there, but I have to start over. His eyeballs were so thick with paint they literally popped out of his eyes. I don't know how many hours I already spent trying to make them look in the same direction, and there was no way to cleanly fix it. I think I should really thin out my paint this time and apply in several layers. I don't care how many times I have to do this's giving me a chance to practice anyway.


The glyphs look great, but they look way too thick. Is there any way to sand down the unseen side to make them a little thinner?

I'm on it. I'm looking into ways of thinning out them... but I'm worried about damaging them. The detail is simply amazing!

Does anybody have any ideas about thinning them out? I'd like to hear them. I'm starting with the chest glyph first. I'm using an Xacto blade to slice it nearly in half. The smaller pieces might prove problematic with the blade. I'll see. :D

If I had a nit to pick, it would be that the back of the one piece shoulder glyph hangs a bit too far down in the back. But the back of the figure is presenting some problems anyway with the Forbidden Zone Zaius suit having a leather strip down the back. I had forgotten about that. :rolleyes:
I was thinking the same thing. When I get mine I'm going to shave them down a little bit.


Please... tell me how you are planning to do this. I'm VERY new to all of this customizing. My X-Acto hand is shaky. :google :google :google
PZ, your Zaius is looking so spectacular!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get me one of those!!! OK...I'm working on it. Great idea about the merit badge glue--where do you get those? It is exciting to see the glyphs on the figure. :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5


I have found this Badge Magic only at Girl Scout Outlet stores. If your city has a Girl Scout troop odds are they have a Girl Scout store. It's where all of those merit badges can be purchased. Check your phone book for the location. :D
I wonder if it might look better if the Sidehsow vinyl on Zaius' sleeves could be matched the same color as the glyphs? I think that might make it look even better.

I have no probelm with the coloring of the glyphs. Sure they are not screen accurate, but they nicely match the glyph gloves that come with the Forbidden Zone Zaius.

Well, it's back to the X-Acto. I sure hope I don't stab myself. :rolleyes:
Please... tell me how you are planning to do this. I'm VERY new to all of this customizing. My X-Acto hand is shaky. :google :google :google


I think for these glyphs when I finally get them, I would use shave the heck out of them with some very rough sandpaper on the back side until I get them down to as thin as they could be. It would be safer than using an exacto because you would do it a little at a time.

I have no probelm with the coloring of the glyphs. Sure they are not screen accurate, but they nicely match the glyph gloves that come with the Forbidden Zone Zaius.

Well, it's back to the X-Acto. I sure hope I don't stab myself. :rolleyes:

PZ, I think Angel was saying to color the fake leather of the outfit to match the glyphs so that the glyphs and fake leather would look like one piece, instead of the glyphs as separate pieces on top of the fake leather...

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I think for these glyphs when I finally get them, I would use shave the heck out of them with some very rough sandpaper on the back side until I get them down to as thin as they could be. It would be safer than using an exacto because you would do it a little at a time.


I think that is the technique I would use to thin out those glyphs. Proto's exacto knife technique seems like it is too risky. It will be too easy to damage the glyphs or possibly loose a finger!
I think that is the technique I would use to thin out those glyphs. Proto's exacto knife technique seems like it is too risky. It will be too easy to damage the glyphs or possibly loose a finger!
Agreed. If you think they're too thick, let me know, i'll make a you thinner set on me - call it the cost of doing business. Jessica too. I was just about to wrap up your set. Good thing i saw this. Also, i think the boot glyphs were a guestimate. I don't think the sculptor had a good referance photo. I've yet to find one myself.
I have no probelm with the coloring of the glyphs. Sure they are not screen accurate, but they nicely match the glyph gloves that come with the Forbidden Zone Zaius.

Well, it's back to the X-Acto. I sure hope I don't stab myself. :rolleyes:

I agree Proto... The color of the glyphs does not bother me in the least!