Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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They are different pix but both are Newline Miniature's Japanese Officer boots.

Not holding out on anything, honest. I have been trying to catch up on some things while my wife recuperates, but not made any leaps and bounds yet. More planning and laying out of ideas and parts than anything else. Putting some input here on Burke and Virdon [we really need Sideshow to make their sculpts for us], outlining 4 more sci-fi stories as well as trying to wrap my head back around the POTA/Trek story I posted the beginning of a while back. Apes is my first and biggest figure passion, but while it is most all of you work on, I also need the diversion of other areas. As I've alluded to before, I do sci-fi, superheroes, action and adventure. I am trying to, and think I have a decent one, put all of those together in one GIGANTIC story.
More to come .....

Les does steller work! I tried to get him to paint some of the apes that I made, but he never answered my e-mails. :(

So you have no new apes to share with us? :monkey2
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Don't jump on Steve for being so kind. I know you are kidding with him, but seriously, this means a lot to me. I totally did NOT expect it, and I am doing work for him, so it all evens out. They aren't "free" but I so appreciate his kindness.

What he sent was a Taylor in suit and backpack, a Cornelius and a Zaius. I will add my Gen Ursus to the mix, make a Nova, and probably buy a Zira now. Also will get an Icarus spaceship, and that's it for me. No large collection, but what a nice addition all this is!
I am glad to be aboard the POTA train! :rock

And AOM2112, I don't recall any PM's, but if you need me to repaint any of your's just let me know. Sometime I will repaint these I have, and post them, so I will be free to paint Apes anytime. Just email or PM me again. Sorry it got missed. It was not intentional I assure you!
(It's possible you PMed my other user names, and since they are closed accounts now, I might never have seen them. This one, Les Walker, is the only one open. Forget the early ones in my custom thread)
Hasslein - Oh man, I'd love to see that too! I sure hope you find them and do that project. :)

Conquest was my pet project. I even started to put together obscure figures like the hairdresser(human), Mrs. Riley, and Breck's secretary, I forget her name right now....

I wanted to get the ultimate soldier/America's finest red helicopter to recreate Armando's landing in the opening, but missed it when it was in retail stores...
Don't jump on Steve for being so kind. I know you are kidding with him, but seriously, this means a lot to me. I totally did NOT expect it, and I am doing work for him, so it all evens out. They aren't "free" but I so appreciate his kindness.

What he sent was a Taylor in suit and backpack, a Cornelius and a Zaius. I will add my Gen Ursus to the mix, make a Nova, and probably buy a Zira now. Also will get an Icarus spaceship, and that's it for me. No large collection, but what a nice addition all this is!
I am glad to be aboard the POTA train! :rock

And AOM2112, I don't recall any PM's, but if you need me to repaint any of your's just let me know. Sometime I will repaint these I have, and post them, so I will be free to paint Apes anytime. Just email or PM me again. Sorry it got missed. It was not intentional I assure you!
(It's possible you PMed my other user names, and since they are closed accounts now, I might never have seen them. This one, Les Walker, is the only one open. Forget the early ones in my custom thread)

The General loves it when his troops monkey around.

Les your reputation exceeds you. It's great to have you aboard. If you ever enhance any of those figures we would love to see some photos, your artwork is fantastic!
Conquest was my pet project. I even started to put together obscure figures like the hairdresser(human), Mrs. Riley, and Breck's secretary, I forget her name right now....

I wanted to get the ultimate soldier/America's finest red helicopter to recreate Armando's landing in the opening, but missed it when it was in retail stores...

I love that you're going for something different Hasslein. That is so original, I applaud you! :clap:clap:clap
The General loves it when his troops monkey around.

Les your reputation exceeds you. It's great to have you aboard. If you ever enhance any of those figures we would love to see some photos, your artwork is fantastic!

C'mon Les... bring on the apes! It's cool to know we have some new blood in the mix! :blissy
Where's Jessica today? I thought that I was going to be laid up all day but I'm feeling better. My claims manager just called and said that they will cover my ER visit. :joy Such relief.
You may be right IM, but as I looked at the heels of picture #1 I thought they looked rather shabby compared to picture #2 from Monkey Depot.

Maybe it's all in the angles and photography... I think Monkey Depot shows the boots much better.
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I am back, guys. I volunteered to drive kids for a field trip, but I was dying to get on the computer. I had a page and a half to read through---you guys rock!! We went to the Chabot Space and Science Center, and we watched a movie in their planetarium. The seats were angled to look up to the ceiling, and as soon as they turned the lights off, I fell asleep. I hope I didn't snore. That was the best part of the field trip.

Glad it's over. Man, that was like herding cats.
My wife asked me to get some of my monkey projects off of the dining room table this morning. I met her request. I got 11 of my ape heads off of the table! They were all at various levels of completion and I’m ready to dump them. I'm keeping 4 of them. The other 7 heads I'm going to sell.

Here are the 4 I'm keeping. My daughter let me use her camera so these are some pretty good pictures. (Maybe too good, they'll show my shaky hand as I did the dentistry on these simians.)

I'll take some gorilla heads my friend.
I am back, guys. I volunteered to drive kids for a field trip, but I was dying to get on the computer. I had a page and a half to read through---you guys rock!! We went to the Chabot Space and Science Center, and we watched a movie in their planetarium. The seats were angled to look up to the ceiling, and as soon as they turned the lights off, I fell asleep. I hope I didn't snore. That was the best part of the field trip.

Glad it's over. Man, that was like herding cats.

The Queen has returned!! :blissy
Figure Master Les, I am in awe of your painting techniques and your artwork in general. I love the work you do. Welcome to Central City, although I don't know if you've frequented here before.
Angel, your repaint of the gorilla really makes a difference to the sculpt! You totally rocked it out. I also love the Caesar open-mouth. Did you need to repaint him or just his dental work?
I'll take some gorilla heads my friend.

Send me a few of the ones you got STICKS, I'll open them up for you. I've got a Cornelius (open mouth) for you right now. In fact, I've got 3 of them I'll be selling (or trading) here and/or on eBay. Want one of those? Want to trade away one of your Cornelius figures? I really want to buy another Cornelius or do some trading with you... we can work something out I'm sure.
Sticks, that is very scary about your condition. Please take care of yourself.

I feel so much better knowing that it was all stress related, and not a minor stroke. I also talked to my Claims manager today and I am relieved of all the financial burdens of visiting the ER with no insurance. She was really nice to me and said that I have been very good on my case claim and will be taken care of. I was tested for everything like plaque, hardening arteries, faulty valves, and aneurism and was negative on all tests which means my heart is healthy. Wow, what stress can do!! Five years worth just became too much. I'm supposed to be laying down for five days, but this thread keeps pulling me back.:D