Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I kind of have half my attention to the Olympics. I just want to make sure I don't miss any table tennis, and with the Chinese obsession to the game I'm sure it would get a lot of coverage I hope.

Well - I'm about to head off to my Olympic size bed and win the gold for a long overdue snooze! :sleep

G-night 2 you ~Angel~
i'm working on C's jacket. I'm putting in the lining, but it looks like I will have to do the lining like doll clothing...I'm not putting in lining on the sleeves because of the weird placement of the sleeve seams.
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I'm also waiting for my sister to arrive for a party we are going to next door. My mom told her to buy some red bean ice cream, and I can't wait for a scoop or two. :monkey5:banana:monkey5
Hey...better than cheese and corn ice cream (that's a real flavor they sell over here. I really hate that stuff)...they also have avocado ice cream, and I hate that too.
I"m still at the party next door. Had to come inside and change my toddler's clothing--he got wet from the garden faucet...


Gotta run. Talk to you later.'ve got my curiosity piqued! What Julius are you talking about? Are you sculpting one yourself? Let me see!! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5
I like the way the gorilla mob is swarming around poor old Taylor! thanks for the ripped up pants idea SNICK. I like it more with each passing day. :)

ANG - The ripped pants turned out really well. I'm not sure if I'm going to go with that version of Taylor or Brent in the back of the wagon. I need to post some wagon pix. I have half of it painted.

The Caesar sculpt is sounding awesome. I can't wait.

JESS - Did you ever think about sewing Caesar's leather outfit from Conquest?
My Mother is a sculpter of doll heads (porcelain) and I once asked her if She could ever do a smaller scale. She was not familiar with resin and whatever else We use in 1/6th scale. She is still going through Chemo for the next 8 days between Monday and Friday, but says thats She is doing fine. I think that once She is out of the woods, I may ask Her again about 1/6th scale sculpts. She does have a very good eye for detail because She made two sculpts of my Sisters just by looking at their baby pictures and they turned out great!

KFOG - Glad to hear your mother is doing better. Your mom is a sculptor? You have to get her to do a ape head.
Oops! forgot the silly picture...:duh

Its been a while but man, did I remember Burke and Virdon differently. :rotfl
Everything looks great guys!!
Angel, did you take any pix of the heads before sending them to Mastermind? I still need to get myself some glyphs for my more favorite apes.
And.... How 'bout some Caesar statue pix!!
Curiosity kills ya know!! :rolleyes:
She's using all her time making things for others, and none for herself! At least that's how it seems to me. I've been wrong before...

Where does the line start for this little gem???

ANG - I think we would be pushing Jess to the limit. I'll bring it up again after some of her projects get cleared up. BTW, dirtying up the humans and rags is a great way to go.

Second time is going to be the charm for the spaceship. The cardboard template shows the angles the ship needs to be. We are also extending it so we'll have 2 chairs shown. If this goes well the cryo chambers won't be far behind.
Snick, I can make the leather jacket for Caesar from Conquest. That would be a fun thing to do. Anybody who's sewn these outfits for 1/1 scale knows they are really complex, and when you make them for 1/6 the size adds another notch to the difficulty scale. The Sideshow ape suits (except for the colors) are thankfully movie-accurate, so they make a good base to work off of.

Angel is right...I have been so busy chasing other sewing projects that I have not been able to do anything personal. But that does not mean I am not having fun. Sewing these things are really fun for me, believe it or not. I hope my workmanship shows that. (I really love to sew these outfits, except, no more Mego scale ANSA suits--I AM SO DONE WITH THOSE.)