Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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No offense intended towards you Jess. I'm sure you would do a wonderful job on casting them. And I certainly wasn't looking to cut your profits if, like Angel, thats why you're making these available to us. I was simply suggesting an option as I know you have a ton of things on your plate that you are doing for yourself as well as many others here in this thread. I also didn't say you should sell them for $10 - $15, I said that was what the heads on Lonnie's site sold for.
Anyway, it was just a suggestion.

No offense taken, Ironman. Good to have options. I think I would have more fun if I made the mold and cast them myself, as Angel said. I want to make sure that I have enough funds collected to cover the next batch of materials to make more apes. And, thanks for the offer regarding the extra heads...but I will have to decline. (I need to have a body for every head I sculpt so that I can have a complete figure to clothe.) I think you should start sculpting over them yourself and see how relaxing it is. And you can see that if you're not happy, you can scrape/sand off what goof you made and re-do. That's the fun of it!

There's something really satisfying in doing everything yourself. If I could (or should I say when someday I have the skills), I would want to make my own Zira appliances. Then I wouldn't have to play this waiting game...
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Angel, your two new apes look great! Are you working off of photo references? I am guessing these to be orangutans simply because of the eyebrows, but it's still too early to tell what they will be.

I just thought of the orangutan minister. I saw a screenshot of him over at the Forum of the Apes, and he looks like he would be fun to sculpt.
It took awhile to remove the lower muzzle and face off of my General Ursus with my metal file. For Lucius, I am tempted to take him to the back yard and whack at his head with a hammer.
I borrowed my mom's sewing machine, and it had been many years (over 10) that it had been used, even though she had somebody recalibrate/lubricate it (10 years ago) was gummy and refused to move without straining the gears. I took it apart to lubricate some of the parts, put it back together, and now it won't sew. Grr...That's two messed up sewing machines in the house. I have to make the trek to take them to a machine repair shop. double grrr....

I am so tempted to just buy a new sewing machine...but that's going to set me back at least $200....grrr...
Is worth repairing a sewing machine? Do they give free estimates?

I'm sure to repair the two would cost me $100 for both. I will try to get an estimate anyway. I just wanted to do something different from sculpting, what I have been doing these last couple of weeks.
Yes - I'm using this picture for reference. Hopefully, one of my these two sculpts that I'm doing will look like him. I'll take the hammer to the one I like least! lol

Awesome photo reference!! I'm going to re-do mine...I love the way he's got curly bangs on these references.
Here is my old General Ursus, and looking at it I figured I could do better. So...I filed away some of his face and resculpted. To me he looks better now.


Here is the original Dr. Maximus. I was happy with the way he turned out, but looking at my other sculpts lately I knew I could do better, so I went at him.. I spent some time shaving off or whacking off the Apoxie from his face and around his head. His hair was too tall and I wasn't impressed with his muzzle.


Here is a resculpt of his top muzzle and nose.
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Hot Toys just announced they have the licence fir the 40th anniversary-

We've granted the license of Planet of the Apes! - Although we come to the end of 2008 now, we haven’t forgot this year is the 40th Anniversary of the original Planet of the Apes movie! Hot Toys is proud to announce that we’ve added another classic movie license into our MMS series – Planet of the Apes. You should have the Planet of the Apes 40th Anniversary collection DVD at home, Haven't you? And Hot Toys' Planet Of Apes MMS must be the next collection in your display case. Who is the first one to be our next MMS 12" figure? Make your wish today and get the result by keep checking on our future newsletters!
This has got to be the most damn bizarre 1:6 news I've ever heard.
I don't see how much of an improvement Hot Toys could do to the Apes. Although there could be some improvement, I feel that most of Sideshow's releases were solid. And with the exception of Taylor and the Apeonauts, I don't think I'm interested in any HT apes, but that might change once I see them.
I just hope HT doesn't pull an "rubber Alien astronaut suit" with the Apeonauts or I'll be pissed.
This has got to be the most damn bizarre 1:6 news I've ever heard.
I don't see how much of an improvement Hot Toys could do to the Apes. Although there could be some improvement, I feel that most of Sideshow's releases were solid. And with the exception of Taylor and the Apeonauts, I don't think I'm interested in any HT apes, but that might change once I see them.
I just hope HT doesn't pull an "rubber Alien astronaut suit" with the Apeonauts or I'll be pissed.

Bizarre? I can think of worse 1:6 news.
And yes, Sideshow's offerings were decent, save the Brent fiasco. And way too many Taylors. And a paper flyer as an accessory for Caesar. And Ursus helmet being too damn small, and his handgun being in the wrong side.
Hot Toys could run with this. The only drawback is the HT is even more expensive.
But, imagine, if you will, the full line of mutants being finished. Milo and the ape-o-nauts. General Aldo. Burke, Virdon and Galen. Urko and the TV Zaius. Landon, Dodge and Stewart. It all depends on detail, which we all know Hot Toys blows everyone away with and pricepoint.
I don't see how much of an improvement Hot Toys could do to the Apes.

Just you wait and see, I'm expecting to fall in love with these all over again. I bought many of the original SS line, but sold most of them off, keeping only Cornelius and Zira, I can't wait to see what they come up with (and they won't be on the Buck!)
Bizarre? I can think of worse 1:6 news.
And yes, Sideshow's offerings were decent, save the Brent fiasco. And way too many Taylors. And a paper flyer as an accessory for Caesar. And Ursus helmet being too damn small, and his handgun being in the wrong side.
Hot Toys could run with this. The only drawback is the HT is even more expensive.
But, imagine, if you will, the full line of mutants being finished. Milo and the ape-o-nauts. General Aldo. Burke, Virdon and Galen. Urko and the TV Zaius. Landon, Dodge and Stewart. It all depends on detail, which we all know Hot Toys blows everyone away with and pricepoint.

I never said this was bad news, just bizarre that HT would go after it since Sideshow pretty much covered it and they sold so poorly.
And if you think for a minute that HT will go all the way to the TV characters and all the mutants you're not paying attention to Hot Toys' MO. Hot Toys never completed the Marines, or gave us a Bishop from Aliens, never did the human characters from Predator 2, AVP, or AVPR, never gave us a Mickey from Rocky, and never gave us a Scarecrow, Ra's al Ghul, League of Shadows Bruce Wayne, Alfred or a James Gordon from Batman Begins or Batman the Dark Knight.
What makes you think HT will do all the characters from every Ape movie or TV show?
Also look how off Hot Toys sculpts are of non-licensed actors from the actual actors. I think we'll be lucky if Brent is anywhere as close to James Franciscus as Sideshow's Brent was.
I hope they do them all, and I hope the humans look identical to the actors, but don't get your hopes up.
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I never said this was bad news, just bizarre that HT would go after it since Sideshow pretty much covered it and they sold so poorly.
And if you think for a minute that HT will go all the way to the TV characters and all the mutants you're not paying attention to Hot Toys' MO. Hot Toys never completed the Marines, or gave us a Bishop from Aliens, never did the human characters from Predator 2, AVP, or AVPR, never gave us a Mickey from Rocky, and never gave us a Scarecrow, Ra's al Ghul, League of Shadows Bruce Wayne, Alfred or a James Gordon from Batman Begins or Batman the Dark Knight.
What makes you think HT will do all the characters from every Ape movie or TV show?
Also look how off Hot Toys sculpts are of non-licensed actors from the actual actors. I think we'll be lucky if Brent is anywhere as close to James Franciscus as Sideshow's Brent was.
I hope they do them all, and I hope the humans look identical to the actors, but don't get your hopes up.

Do I think all the figures I mentioned will be made? of course not. But, i may as well dream big if I'm going to get excited about it anyway. And if you're big on their MO, we WILL get a decent franciscus, it will just be on the taylor or Landon figure. Don't forget the USCM Hudson was Hicks sculpt. Sigourney was great, just needed a repaint. And don't forget they said they are celebrating the 40th anniversary (which SS ignored) so only the 1:6 gods know what might be planned. Maybe they kept this so quiet and secretive, that they already have some of their line ready to order by Christmas (another Christmas wish) I doubt that HotToys will make as many as SS did, but I also doubt they'll flood the market with multiple variations of the same character either.
Bottom line? Anything we get is better than what SS has given us over the past few years since I started this thread.
Do I think all the figures I mentioned will be made? of course not. But, i may as well dream big if I'm going to get excited about it anyway. And if you're big on their MO, we WILL get a decent franciscus, it will just be on the taylor or Landon figure. Don't forget the USCM Hudson was Hicks sculpt. Sigourney was great, just needed a repaint. And don't forget they said they are celebrating the 40th anniversary (which SS ignored) so only the 1:6 gods know what might be planned. Maybe they kept this so quiet and secretive, that they already have some of their line ready to order by Christmas (another Christmas wish) I doubt that HotToys will make as many as SS did, but I also doubt they'll flood the market with multiple variations of the same character either.
Bottom line? Anything we get is better than what SS has given us over the past few years since I started this thread.

Yes the excellent Michael Biehn sculpt was on Hudson as well as a separate military figure, but they never did gave us a good Bill Paxton or a Al Matthews, we had to find them somewhere else.
I think they'll give us a licensed Heston as Taylor in astronaut suit, a Dr. Zaius, a Cornelius, a Zira, and a Gorilla soldier and call it quits on the first movie. Whether they do any other movie I think will depend on sales of the first series.
I don't mean to extinguish anyone's excitement, this is very good news indeed.
BTW, I hadn't seen it posted anywhere so here's the Hot Toys announcement from the newsletter:
Hot Toys said:
We've granted the license of Planet of the Apes! - Although we come to the end of 2008 now, we haven’t forgot this year is the 40th Anniversary of the original Planet of the Apes movie! Hot Toys is proud to announce that we’ve added another classic movie license into our MMS series – Planet of the Apes. You should have the Planet of the Apes 40th Anniversary collection DVD at home, Haven't you? And Hot Toys' Planet Of Apes MMS must be the next collection in your display case. Who is the first one to be our next MMS 12" figure? Make your wish today and get the result by keep checking on our future newsletters!
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