Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I had entered this in a Sideshow story contest just about 3 years ago. Somehow, it just seems fitting to post it again at this time:

They couldn't stop evolution!! He handed out the weapons to his followers as they joined in. Now, en masse, they begin to march toward their destination. The cartons they pass are all stamped SIDESHOW COLLECTIBLES.
"I wonder why they do it?" he thought. What reason could be behind their actions? This would not be tolerated. He would see to that. This had been a well thought out plan of attack. Cut off the head of your enemy and the body dies. The same is true of an army. Take out its leader and the minions whither. They had only a rudimentary map from one of their advance scouts. And he had been fortunate to get that back to them after suffering a broken leg. It would be enough though, it would have to be. They could not, no, would not take this lying down. They had come too far. Waited far too long to have been recognized properly to begin with.
He led them thru seemingly wide passages, ever diligent to beware of any possible trap. Why were these passages so wide? Had they been planned out like this way back when it was constructed? Strange that they may have foreseen the revolution. Luckily, they moved in darkness. Hints of light glimmered off some of the weapons. It didn't appear that anyone was here to stand in their way. That was good. He had no desire to get into early skirmishes or harm innocent bystanders.
He raised his hand for them to "halt'. They all hugged the wall in uniform precision. A night watchman meandered by, barely awake let alone alert enough to have spotted them. He didn't know which of them had been luckier this night. He waited for him to move out of sight then motioned for them to begin advancing again. Corner after corner they rounded, taking more care it seemed as they got closer to their final destination. He could see the door from his position now.
It all seemed quiet. Too quiet? The thought of a trap once again occured to him. Nah, their prey this night was predictable. He could not have foreseen this coming. Still a chill ran down his back. The kind of chill that tells you this is not going to turn out exactly as you planned. He motioned his followers to be ready. He snuck a glance into the room as they reached the doorway. The door partially ajar, he could see his prey, asleep in his chair. Typical. So smug. He never thought this day would come. Well, here it was. He signaled for evreyone to take their places. They positioned themselves and readied their weapons.
Now, in front of him, face to face as it were, his prey didn't look so dangerous. He jumped on to him, ready to strike the blow that would allow thier line to continue. As he landed a woman's voice called out. "Marc?" It was Dusty, "you still here?" He awoke to find a large collection of Planet of the Apes figures in his office.
"Damn that Ironman" Marc thought. He brushed Caesar off his chest and he fell to the floor, head popping off.
Damn Dirty Human.
I can't wait to see what Hot Toys does with this. The Sideshow figures were great, especially compared to all previous attempts (although I still love the little Medicom figures) but Hot Toys has been on fire lately. As a longtime Planet of the Apes fan, I can't see this as being anything other than a big win.

For me, personally.

Also, since I'm here in Japan these will be easy to find and buy because companies like Medicom and Hot Toys tend to be stocked all over the place while Sideshow is, unfortunately, a bit harder to come by. Although I did get Sideshow's Soldier Ape, Zira and Cornelius at Toys-R-Us here!

Oh baby, am I looking forward to this? Yes, I am!

And... I think Planet of the Apes has a larger fanbase here in Asia than in North America. I could be wrong, but I've seen more Apes stuff here than I ever did back home and what I saw there tended to be imported from here... and I know the guy who started BAPE is one of the world's leading PoTA memorabilia collectors and his company's logo is based on PoTA. So it just might be this license is a lot more lucrative for a high end toy/collectible figure company in Asia than it would be back home.

Just theorizing...
I already submitted my wishlist to Hot Toys, as they take over the reigns that Sideshow dropped. Maybe it will fall on deaf ears. Maybe it will hit the right spot.

I would love to see from the first movie:
more orangutans: Dr. Honorious, Dr. Maximus, President of the Academy
more gorillas: Julius, Hunt Leader
more chimps: Lucius, Dr. Galen

Zira, Zaius and Cornelius already look spectacular from Sideshow.
I was almost ready to pull the trigger and purchase additional hair pieces for my Zira outfit...but chickened out. I need to pump out about $150 again for those...
No problem! I'll check the hobby/toy magazines here non-stop each month until they print some preview photos, then scan them. Unless they hit the Hot Toys site first!
I see no reason why they wouldn't Jess. Will the new figure(s) be in 1/6?

I'm just afraid that the 1/6 scale apes coming from Hot Toys would look weird astride the Marx horses...because don't the Sideshow humans overwhelm the Marx horses? I just don't want it to look like this...not that there's anything wrong with the picture, but I don't want the apes to overpower my favorite horse size-wize...
Don't even plant those seeds. Another Ursus? We need NEW charecters - not re-dos of existing Sidehow figures.

Get ready for it. If you really think Hot Toys is going to launch a line for a newly acquired license by only making tangential characters that were not made by another company, you are fooling yourself. I'd damn near bet you wave one consists of Zaius, Cornelius, and either Ursus or Taylor. Hell, we can't even get HT to do Commissioner Gordon from a much more profitable movie, with a wider fanbase. Julius, Lucien, etc? Not gonna happen. Don't set yourself up for such disappointment, you are going to be disappointed. I feel pretty sure in saying that HT is not going to take SS's sloppy seconds, they are going to want to start their own series of figures. Zaius, Cornelius, etc is where the money is at.
I do hope I'm right. I was in no way pleased with Sideshow's inadequate Ape product. The headsculpt castings were too soft, the Buck body limp and difficult to pose, and the costumes were riddled with lame corner-cuts. I want to see these core characters done right, much as Hot Toys is doing now with Hellboy and Abe Sapien.
I mean God love ya, you're a devoted crowd, but you are a very small devoted crowd. The whole reason Sideshow trailed off and dropped the Apes is sales dropped as they moved away from the popular characters. It stopped being profitable. SS is running into that problem now with Star Wars- they're having a hard time getting rid of Captain Antilles. Zauis and Cornelius are the ones that will have the most demand; demand from a wider, "non core" fanbase. The same type of people that would buy Rocky, but not Mickey. As an example, I would buy those 3 or 4 core characters myself, but I have no interest in mutants, TV show characters, or Ricardo Montalban. Or horses. (though I could see you getting a horse or two, since HT seems to like vehicles and conveyances)
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