Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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What a year for the Ape Army! First a PF line announced and now HT taking over the line :rock :rock

Let's not forget the rumblings of an upcoming prequel that will definitely suck (at least in my book):monkey4:monkey4:monkey4 ...and the BluRay release of the apes movies to further milk this cash cow...:rock:rock:blissy
I would think that most collectors (who wanted General Ursus) already own this Sideshow figure and therefore will simply pass on the Hot Toys version. I'm very impressed with Sideshow Ursus. I don't see myself spending big bucks on something I've already got. Am I in the minority?

After you fixed the helmet, Angel, he is passable. I still don't like that his head is so small when you compare it to the other apes.

The Hot Toys General Ursus would definitely have to wow me before I splurge that much money on a figure, since Sideshow's uniform was pretty spot on. It's just the headsculpt and size of the sculpt that annoy me. These can be tweaked in time.

Plus, I'm not sure I like the wig on the HT General Ursus...he better be delicious eye candy, and HT better blow the SS General Ursus out of the water if they are going to regurgitate the same characters.
I would think that most collectors (who wanted General Ursus) already own this Sideshow figure, and therefore will simply pass on the Hot Toys version. I'm very impressed with Sideshow Ursus. I don't see myself spending big bucks on something I've already got. Am I in the minority?

I couldn't agree less. Ursus was one of the worst and unimpressive of the Sideshow POTA offerings. A head that looked nothing like its movie counterpart. A helmet that was way too small (always reminded me of Jim Plunkett in a football helmet). The sidearm holster was on the wrong side. I can't wait for Hot Toys to knock this one out of the park!! :blissy
The sidearm holster was on the wrong side. :blissy

Maybe their reference photograph was reversed, and the fabricators were unaware. But they should have had a better face sculpt than what SS offered for General Ursus. But quality control should have caught that...or they should have asked a real fan for their opinion before churning out General Ursus.
I guess you have $$$ to burn Ironman. I don't. The only problem was the helmet, and I fixed that for everyone. The holster on the wrong side really isn't worth mentioning, just move it to the other side. :peace

Angel, that helmet you made is pure AWESOMENESS (as Kung Fu Panda said)...but it still doesn't fix the size issue of the face. When I photograph General Ursus talking to Cornelius or Dr. Zaius, the difference in face size is very obvious. And yes...the holster on the wrong side is not something I would spend hard earned chimpchange for....

Mine is still unpainted, but I hold it once in awhile and enclose it in my fist. It's one of my little treasures.
I used that Ursus face (with the helmet removed) as a template for creating others generic gorillas in my collection. I've never considered the face size of Ursus to be a problem. :monkey3

I didn't know that! I'm going to have to check out my gorilla heads floating on the operating table.

Dangnabit. I'm still at the saltmines. When I get home, I'm going to check out my General Ursus.
I can't believe you guys! :horror You really think the Sideshow Ursus is only "Passable". What a TOUGH crowd.

The toughest thing in this crowd most of the time is you, Angel. If folks don't agree with you you act like the kid who wants to take his ball and go home.
The only problem was the helmet, according to you, so everyone else is wrong because you fixed the helmet. The helmet fix did not improve its Ursus likeness, it simply improved its ability to be recognized as a "ranking" soldier in a simian army. To hell with the head sculpt looking nothing like James Gregory as Ursus and its being way to small, even in comparison to other POTA sculpts. And for someone who supposedly prides himself on his attention to detail and takes many "redos" to get it there, an error like putting a right handed person's holster on the left side is noticeable AND worth mentioning.
Money to burn? Why because I want what I buy to be accurate. If you recall, despite my financial woes and 1:1 setbacks all year you constantly attacked my not having time to work on customs. Now because I am anticipating buying some better quality items, I have money to burn?
Tadah!! I wacked at him with a small hammer. His head bounced around the plastic bag a lot. Apoxie is pretty hard stuff. Glad the right side of his face stayed on, as that was the better side. I guess luck is on my side...

The toughest thing in this crowd most of the time is you, Angel. If folks don't agree with you you act like the kid who wants to take his ball and go home.
The only problem was the helmet, according to you, so everyone else is wrong because you fixed the helmet. The helmet fix did not improve its Ursus likeness, it simply improved its ability to be recognized as a "ranking" soldier in a simian army. To hell with the head sculpt looking nothing like James Gregory as Ursus and its being way to small, even in comparison to other POTA sculpts. And for someone who supposedly prides himself on his attention to detail and takes many "redos" to get it there, an error like putting a right handed person's holster on the left side is noticeable AND worth mentioning.
Money to burn? Why because I want what I buy to be accurate. If you recall, despite my financial woes and 1:1 setbacks all year you constantly attacked my not having time to work on customs. Now because I am anticipating buying some better quality items, I have money to burn?

I know I won't be able to settle this disagreement.

I'd like to throw my two cents in... The Ursus sculpt is fine in my opinion. It is, however, a bit smaller than the other gorilla sculpts.

I will not be upgrading though... The addition of "real" hair as opposed to sculpted hair will not fit in with my current collection. I may be tempted by a new Heston or Franciscus
sculpt but as far as Apes with hair... I'm satisfied with the Sideshow product.

In this economy, it just doesn't make sense to buy a better version of what I already have and am happy with.
Angel and Ironman... drop your arms and make peace. "Ape Must Not Kill Ape." :lecture

As for the topic at hand, I for one am eager for any and all figures from this new Hot Toys line and love the idea of real hair on the ape figures! :rock
Angel and Ironman... drop your arms and make peace. "Ape Must Not Kill Ape." :lecture

As for the topic at hand, I for one am eager for any and all figures from this new Hot Toys line and love the idea of real hair on the ape figures! :rock

It's got to wow me first, and the sneak peek still hasn't done that. Hopefully it can be tweaked to betterness. I am on Jungle's side of the fence on this one...a haired ape would look odd with the rest of my figures...but if it really wows me, I will succumb to temptation.