Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I just bought five square feet of workable goat skin leather hyde from Feebay. Supposedly it's thin enough to handsew or use a regular sewing machine with. It's coming from Italy so I should see it in 10 days. I want to recreate the green jacket and use real leather for the collar. I can't wait to get the leather in hand so I can smell it. I just love the scent of leather. It smells sooooooo goooooood.......almost as good as foam latex....but a little different.
Angel I can't wait to see your orangutans fluff up that tribunal table!!! I have been thinking about the hieroglyphs, too. You will have to show me your notes on El Presidente's hieroglyphs...I'll see if I can dig out mine. I'll photograph it and you can review it...and you tell me if I'm off. I don't think that lasercut leather is the way to go for the hieroglyphs because it would be too flat. I need to feel and see the shadows of imprinted leather. I'm going to look for the leather working tool and I'll just hammer mine out.
Hey-I noticed the Hot Toys Apes are shipping in July. Woo-Whooo!!!!

GADS!!! :horror:horror:horror

Boy, July is sure going to be a VERY expensive month for me. I have the PF Zaius coming, the 12" Darth Vader, the Hot Toys Apes AND Comic Con to pay for!!!

NOT:banghead ENOUGH:banghead MONEY:banghead
Yeah, although I don't collect POTA, I'm really looking forward to seeing these figures in hand.

I wonder if more people will take the plunge and buy these Hot Toys Apes once see them in hand.

Still would like to know how this guys are doing in the overall marketplace. Hopefully it will be enough to warrant a second wave.

Not that I have the money for them, mind you. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
I just got notice that the Cosbabies are headed to the Sideshow warehouse in 7-10 days. My son is REALLY excited about this news.

Could the 12"ers be close behind? :naughty
I just got notice that the Cosbabies are headed to the Sideshow warehouse in 7-10 days. My son is REALLY excited about this news.

Could the 12"ers be close behind? :naughty

You mean the ones from Hot Toys? I hope they crank out some chimps!!! If not, I'll make them.

PZ, when you see Matt Falls, tell him I really love his sculpt of Zira. After a repaint, she is so spectacular. She was already beautiful to begin with, but she's really spectacular now.
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Thanks, Angel. I took a mold of this head, but I can't find the plastics to make a cast with to see how it came out. I know I have two fresh bottles...but I don't know where my mom put them away.
I cancelled Vader and my SS Joe stuff for the apes. I just can't pass them up. I really, REALLY hope that HT continues with the POTA line.
I cancelled Vader and my SS Joe stuff for the apes. I just can't pass them up. I really, REALLY hope that HT continues with the POTA line.

Me too. I purchased them on Ebay when they first came out, so I already paid in full. Hot Toys needs to make Dr. Zaius in his Armageddon outfit with all the hieroglyphs in full glory...and they need to make Zira and Cornelius!!!
Me too. I purchased them on Ebay when they first came out, so I already paid in full. Hot Toys needs to make Dr. Zaius in his Armageddon outfit with all the hieroglyphs in full glory...and they need to make Zira and Cornelius!!!

I plan on getting mine thru AlterEgo. SS has to at least make Zaius, Cornelius and Zira. Hopefully all goes well with the production fur and they're a big hit.
Look at Zira's official photograph from Sideshow. Isn't she purty? Notice also that they sewed on her hieroglyph correctly. Does anybody own a Sideshow Zira that has the hieroglyphs reading correctly? Also, she doesn't have that "lipstick" in this photo nor does she look like she has the dreaded doll dots. Next to Sideshow's photo is my old Zira, before the makeover. I love how she is looking directly at the camera. It's 1AM and I'm not sleepy at all. It's going to be a rough night.

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Jess, Great job on that Zira! I am way behind on my head paints. I have too many bodies sitting, waiting for their heads to return and even more waiting on other components. <sigh>
Thats why I started trying to do more on my own, but even that seems to have been met with difficulty as I found myself still depending on other's input before I could finalize them.
I have been working on a non-ape, "V" related project and finding out that Krylon Fusion is not my friend. I will post pix if I can get my son's camera to focus properly.
My human head paints are leaving me more angered than pleased. Maybe I'll take a stride towards Angel's lead and try a few simian repaints. Maybe the colors and textures won't be as hard on me as the humans are. I also still need to finish my mutants and try rehairing the Hasbro apes.
Well, off to a funeral now. I'll try and check back later.
I've been gone too long from this thread that will not die.
Hey, IM! You should definitely pop in more often. And yes, it could be frustrating to wait and wait for others to get their act together to finish your project that you've been waiting on. I can see that, but you just have to concentrate your restless energy on something else. If one thing is not working and is frustrating, start on another. There's always lots of projects to do.

Today I'm going to see Land of the Lost because my boys really want to see that. We want to watch it at the theater before they move it to DVD.