Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I also went to the used clothing store. Could not find the right material for Snickertown, so I ended up taking the boys with me to the fabric store before they closed for the evening. They have a buy one yard get one yard free offer. So i bought a yard for Snickertown's blanket, which was about $4, and got another yard for free. $2 per yard. Can't beat that!

Today's crafting will be about:

Snickertown's Taylor blanket
Mego scale dark blue denim jeans
Painting those Mego scale heads and getting them done!!! (I have four of them)....

While I am crafting I will think about:

getting back to sculpting

Shrinking a Bruce Lee head to Mego Scale. Someone gifted me with one, so I purchased a $7 bottle of acetone. I'm going to give the vinyl head an acetone bath and see how much it shrinks. They said I could do whatever i wanted with the Bruce Lee head.

SDCC 2010

My boys' deluxe pullover masks and baking my own foam latex. This is a mongo project.
I just came across this quote and thought it was spectacular:

Get caught in the moment, not trapped by it.
Jess, I'm a long time Land of the Lost fan. Take my advice and save some money.
As for the projects? Yeah, moving on works only until that next project has a holdup and the cycle continues until there are a load of half done jobs laying about.
Money and time are the true enemies of a hobbyist.
OK. Got back from Land of the Lost. I am not a fan of Land of the Lost, but I had a spectacular time. I do remember watching it as a child in the 70s. It was a Saturday-morning kind of thing that I used to look forward to. I guess I did not expect much out of the movie...didn't really want to watch it but I did take the kids and really enjoyed it. So yeah...I'm out $50, but I had a good time. If you go with the mindset of expecting to be disappointed, then most movies (except for the frickin' reimagination!) are ok.

Next week we're going to watch "Up"
I also went to the used clothing store. Could not find the right material for Snickertown, so I ended up taking the boys with me to the fabric store before they closed for the evening. They have a buy one yard get one yard free offer. So i bought a yard for Snickertown's blanket, which was about $4, and got another yard for free. $2 per yard. Can't beat that!

Today's crafting will be about:

Snickertown's Taylor blanket
Mego scale dark blue denim jeans
Painting those Mego scale heads and getting them done!!! (I have four of them)....

While I am crafting I will think about:

getting back to sculpting

Shrinking a Bruce Lee head to Mego Scale. Someone gifted me with one, so I purchased a $7 bottle of acetone. I'm going to give the vinyl head an acetone bath and see how much it shrinks. They said I could do whatever i wanted with the Bruce Lee head.

SDCC 2010

My boys' deluxe pullover masks and baking my own foam latex. This is a mongo project.

Hello Jess! Can you please put me down for a taylor blanket also? I will pay you what is fair! Thanks, Kent.:cool:
Happy b-lated b-day, Kfog!! I can't believe we missed your b-day!! Tell me which specific day it was, ok?
Look at Zira's official photograph from Sideshow. Isn't she purty?

The Sideshow website never updated their photos to show off the production line versions... just the one-of-a-kind prototypes. Looks like they got the glyph right for the proto. :rolleyes:

And you are right... I saw that Zira displayed at SDCC in 2004 (along with the rest of the protos) and she was quite "purty".

And the Zaius proto was stunning as well. The following year (at SDCC '05) I got to actually hold the Zaius proto in my very paws... it looked SO much better than the production version I had at home. The thought of making a break for it with the proto in my hand DID cross my mind but I knew I wouldn't get very far. :banghead:banghead:banghead
The Sideshow website never updated their photos to show off the production line versions... just the one-of-a-kind prototypes. Looks like they got the glyph right for the proto. :rolleyes:

Here's hoping that they get the PF Zaius correct!! Sideshow probably didn't want to spend the money to hire the photographer...and probably most people would complain about the production line versions if Sideshow bothered to photograph them and post them up.

And the Zaius proto was stunning as well. The following year (at SDCC '05) I got to actually hold the Zaius proto in my very paws... it looked SO much better than the production version I had at home. The thought of making a break for it with the proto in my hand DID cross my mind but I knew I wouldn't get very far. :banghead:banghead:banghead

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We are undergoing some kind of heatwave. About time, I say. Last night the house was 83. I loved it. I guess because I have been cranking up the car to 80 since it's been so cold.

Here's Snick's blanket. For the grunge, I tried black pastels, but they kept rubbing off, and then I remembered the flat brown spray paint I used for my son's plastic rifle. The blanket looks pretty darn grungy now.

Here's a photo of the old one I did that I never sent out because the color was too dark:
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Hey Ironman! I was rooting through the internet looking for reference photographs of Professor X for a custom paint job. I found a post of your customs and saw your Professor X. What a small world!!
Jessica - think of all the apes you could make out of these guys!

I forgot about this...was too into my painting because I just effed up Bruce Lee...The winner paid about what I was going to shell out. Lucky. Oh well. Have to save money for my impending trip. Angel let me know if something like this turns up again. I'm not good with looking for this kind of thing, and a whole puddle of naked bodies is perfect for me. Wait, that didn't sound right...:monkey4
Stickman is still busy.

I have not heard from Enaud in a long time. He said he got into canoeing, and with spring/summer here, I'm sure he's having a great time wherever he is. He hasn't surfaced on the Mego Museum in a long time, too.

I want to spend lots of my $$ and time on those really cheap naked figures because I want to convert them into apes. I want to get back into sculpting again, but I have to finish my repaints first, and also Snick's clothing. So much to do, so little time! Last night was a tough night for me. I was not able to sleep and it was already 2:30 AM. I think it's because I can't stop my mind from thinking about the projects I want to do...and so I toss and turn and have a really hard time getting up.

Congrats on your Mego Cornelius and Gorilla. Aren't they freaking tiny? Imagine trying to repaint that. I'm struggling with Bruce Lee and the other Megos I am painting. Bruce Lee was too pink/light, so I had to put some color on him. He looks like he fell asleep in the sun, because now he's too dark. He's fixable though. I just need to walk away from him and come back to see him with fresh eyes. Even though I've probably spent tons of time on him I just can't send him out not perfect. I also gave him eyelid surgery because his left eye (the one to the right of the photo) is so different from the left just can't conceal a bad sculpt with paint. I've tried and it's not working. I really want to put together a Mego scale stadium with all of my customized apes there. It's going to take me years to complete, but it's time well spent because practice makes better.

Here's Bruce and my Zira together, so you can see the scale difference:

And next to this guy:
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Here is a closeup of the Captain Kirk I am repainting. You can't even see this with the naked eye, but I have managed to clean up the green that was bleeding onto his eyewhites.

Apethoven has been very helpful with piano lessons! I took a photo of him in action yesterday, but I didn't have time to upload. I'll post photos of him tonight. Even though Ashton is quite young (almost 5, not quite), he really wanted to take piano lessons. Ashton loves when I use Apethoven to help him follow the music notes as he plays.
I think that you all are so positive here, that it will flow into helping me get a job. I thank everyone here for keeping this positive thread going. Thanks Ironman, Angel, Jess, Stickman, Snickertown, ProtoZaius, Msotis, junglejom, Enaud and the rest.:whip