Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Sueworld--those pieces are phenomenal!!! I would not know how to keep them preserved. Good luck with them--they are a treasure!

Well I was busy prepping for Baycon, a super small convention. The great part is that I got to get my ape on, something I had been craving. I'm just annoyed with my appliance, so I am going to resculpt it.

Here I am trying and failing to eat with chopsticks. I already told my sister that I was not going to eat all day, but she insisted and I thought plain rice would not be messy to eat. Well, without a mirror, I could not eat with a chopstick. I gave up, and I told her to just forget it...I'd rather starve. The photo did not come out real well, and you can't even see the chopsticks...I wanted to get home and re-shoot this, but we unfortunately had unexpected company. :monkey4


This is the only photo I have, and I had my sister take the photo because I just love the guy's outfit. He said it was off the rack, by Stacey Adams. I thought he had it handmade. It was gorgeous.

Here's my poison ring that my sister bought for me. It's so kewl. I thought that perhaps I could fit a hayfever pill in there, but I guess it's too small...I tried when we got home. :monkey2

Actually, the chopsticks are visible(I can see them,anyway).The fact that your sister gave you a poison ring is a bit disturbing;is there someone in your family she dislikes? Glad you had fun;lately it seems that we all have to grab it wherever we can...PS
Wow--Kfog....these are awesome. I wish there was a way to save the photos, as they make excellent references. If I were rich, I'd be buying some of these...too bad!

I think Les owned those Dr. Z gloves at one point in time...the Forum of the Apes have really awesome photos of that one.
Wow--Kfog....these are awesome. I wish there was a way to save the photos, as they make excellent references. If I were rich, I'd be buying some of these...too bad!

I think Les owned those Dr. Z gloves at one point in time...the Forum of the Apes have really awesome photos of that one.

Hi Jess! I was hoping to find the Dr. Zaius forbiiden zone boots with the
illusive heiroglyphs so that I could surprise everyone. Do you still use photo bucket?:peace
I also thought for sure that Proto would have popped in just to aknowledge the Orangutan outfits!:monkey1
I still use photobucket, Kfog. Let me see if I can dig them up. I've got thousands of photos in there.

Found them!

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Jess, are those the original Heiroglyphs on Zaius's boots? I think that Snick was trying to find those for his 1/6th versions! I could be wrong though! Can you send me the link to photobucket and is it free? Thanks, Kent.:wave
Wow--Kfog....these are awesome. I wish there was a way to save the photos, as they make excellent references. If I were rich, I'd be buying some of these...too bad!

I think Les owned those Dr. Z gloves at one point in time...the Forum of the Apes have really awesome photos of that one.

Jess, do you use firefox?
If so, you can download a plugin for firefox that allows you to save the pictures VERY quickly and easily.
The plugin is called download helper.
Ive been using it for almost 4 years now and it is incredible.
You can use it to download any video, song or picture file from the web.

Here is the download link(just click the 'Add to Firefox' button) -

If you need any help, just ask.

Here are some pics I downloaded with it -

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Jess, do you use firefox?
If so, you can download a plugin for firefox that allows you to save the pictures VERY quickly and easily.
The plugin is called download helper.
Ive been using it for almost 4 years now and it is incredible.
You can use it to download any video, song or picture file from the web.

Here is the download link(just click the 'Add to Firefox' button) -

If you need any help, just ask.

Here are some pics I downloaded with it -


:hi5: gotta try this out!!

I am currently working on Snick's boilersuit for his gorilla. At the same time, I have made a pair of shoe lasts so I can work on Mathilda's boots. Busy busy me!
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I saw the new Rise of the Planet of the Apes trailer last night when I ran a test screening of X-Men First Class at my theater.

I got chills.

It has A LOT more scenes with Caesar (even a scene with him as a baby) and TONS of Apes. The film has a really ominous feeling to it... it is truly showing some promise.
And did you notice, at one point he is wearing the brown chimpanzee under tunic we saw Cornelius wear in all the films?

I'm surprised you didn't include a link to the trailer.

I didn't have one to include. Thanks for providing one.

But seeing it on the computer did not do this trailer justice. SEE THIS ONE THE BIG SCREEN!!! GO SEE X-MEN FIRST CLASS THIS WEEKEND AND APE OUT! :exactly: :exactly: :exactly: