Saya's paint work and customs

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the eye decals rock the kasbah for those that cant paint eyes (ME, ME ,ME,....:lol) i guess its cheating in a way but for keeps family, pets, and any neighbors safe that happen to be walking when i throw a lamp out the window after the 100th repaint of those...:cuss:cuss.........eyes!!!!!.....:monkey3

:rotfl :lecture :lol
VERY cool development! Your eye work is coming along.

Eye decals are deceptive though, they seem easy in theory, but you have to spend as much time or more setting and pressing them into place and all, so small and into such tight spots, and I think you would actually save time trying to paint them.

But, your paintwork looks pretty "unshaken" to me. Nice job! Don't trade out yet. I think you are almost there. Be careful to make the irises a tad smaller. That only makes it harder I know, due to the even smaller scale, but will give you more of the look you are after I think, in the long run. I really like that practice eye set. Has character also.

Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does make permanent. Keep on rockin! :rock
(It's all ultimately practice anyway...there is no real THERE to ever get to...)
Just my 2.
Eye decals are deceptive though, they seem easy in theory, but you have to spend as much time or more setting and pressing them into place and all, so small and into such tight spots, and I think you would actually save time trying to paint them.


i do agree with les on this point............placement can be a royal PITA.....and just when you think you have them trimmed down and set.........they can & will move.....:banghead. there is an art to these as well. but as many as these that i have used..........nothing beats a painted eye, and many of our custom pros have proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. the painted eye does give it a very unique quality and look that a decal just cant match. a toast to the eye painters...:duff .........:bow
Thanks Les. :D The eyes have kicked my butt from day 1. I plan on keep practicing. This is only my 5th hs so far but I figure by my 10th or 20th I might just have this down. :)
Thanks Les. :D The eyes have kicked my butt from day 1. I plan on keep practicing. This is only my 5th hs so far but I figure by my 10th or 20th I might just have this down. :)

Hang with it. I can easily say eyes kill me too. I HATE them, but they are THE most important part of the paint. The soul windows etc., so you have to not only go for accurate and clean paints :banghead but character. You seem to have a knack for that, so you are more than halfway there. Just keep plugging along and the smoke and mirrors, tricks, whatever you call them, will come.

Not that I consider myself Palpatine or anything close to that, but to quote him, "I'll be watching your progress with great interest!" Keep on with it. Don't give up.

(Oh, and look into some serious mag glasses. 4.0 and stonger too. Makes you woozy when you look up from the work, but do they help! Or get some Heine super mags from Germany! Costs a ton, but you sure can see with them! Then it's just steady hands after that. And hold your breath as you paint the pupils! :monkey1 That part always gets to me. EVERY time. )
You :rock girl, awesome paint ups. I will be entering into the realm of painting soon, gotta give it a shot now after seeing your work! :D
VERY cool development! Your eye work is coming along.

Eye decals are deceptive though, they seem easy in theory, but you have to spend as much time or more setting and pressing them into place and all, so small and into such tight spots, and I think you would actually save time trying to paint them.

But, your paintwork looks pretty "unshaken" to me. Nice job! Don't trade out yet. I think you are almost there. Be careful to make the irises a tad smaller. That only makes it harder I know, due to the even smaller scale, but will give you more of the look you are after I think, in the long run. I really like that practice eye set. Has character also.

Practice doesn't make perfect, but it does make permanent. Keep on rockin! :rock
(It's all ultimately practice anyway...there is no real THERE to ever get to...)
Just my 2.

Listen to what he says. He's the best. I've been getting a few helpful hints from him :D
Doing well. Les is totally right though. The first thing I notice on a paint job are the eyes. Decals maybe easier but the soul of a figure is in its eyes. Learn to do them and the pay off will be ten fold. :lecture
Looking good keep up the repaints. The eyes look well done. I would go back and add alittle color in the face it would def add some depth to it.
Thanks guys! so many great artists and great advice. Heres hoping the next one improves ten fold!! :duff

good luck :duff

you should do what I'm going to do: buy a bunch of cheap G.I. Joe's and just work on them until I get really good. We're both trying :lol gotta give us credit,we are determined. :D
This one I stripped with aceatone then repainted. But its the first that I have stripped. Was very easy to do and am looking forward to doing more like this. My husb. has lots of hs lying around, and I just want to get loads of practice in.

Really! Don't you remember how we first met.:cool: Man am I in trouble now. Actually it was quite the opposite-I still have that Dollar.$

Okay, so just finished this G.I. Joe hs and kinda debated weather or not to post it. I think the shading has really improved however the eyes are an endless struggle for me. I appreciate helpfull input, so lets hear it. :D




Thx as always for your comments and for looking. :D Saya
Saya, that looks great! The eyes do look a bit big but you did the outline of color on them and all. Now if you could do that and just make it smaller you're good to go. I think you did a great job. Damn,you're going to be a pro in no time :D cheers :duff
i think your eyes look pretty good. those last ones look very neat and unsloppy but he appears to be a little wall-eyed. meaning his right eyes seems to be looking to the right and his left eye is looking to the left. get them centered better and i think you got it.(it could just be the angle of the pics though). i like that you painted them under the eyelid. it looks good that way.