Scalping is discouraged on this forum, and so shouldn't all pro scalping posts also b

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one thing I know about this place is its not at all conducive for a noob or unpopular person to get sympathy from anyone even when its clear that the noob has a point and the popular side is behaving unethically.

so in a questionable matter like scalping you certainly won't get any sympathy.
one thing I know about this place is its not at all conducive for a noob or unpopular person to get sympathy from anyone even when its clear that the noob has a point and the popular side is behaving unethically.

so in a questionable matter like scalping you certainly won't get any sympathy.

I have definitely notice that around here but it is what it is when you have a community that started small with close people. Hard to break into that.

With that I am still on the popular side on this one, regardless if it is the "cool" thing to do because it is popular.
I was a "noob" recently ... and may still be one (depending on the criteria). I've never noticed a lack of respect based on post-count.

Usually, reasonable people will be heard, and, even for the unreasonable, anyone with thick enough skin to endure a bit of disagreement can survive.

People should just quit their whining. Sticks-and-stones.

one thing I know about this place is its not at all conducive for a noob or unpopular person to get sympathy from anyone even when its clear that the noob has a point and the popular side is behaving unethically.

so in a questionable matter like scalping you certainly won't get any sympathy.

:lecture :lecture
but I don't like know it alls..... this is why I hated being smart in school or college, everyone in the class is this way. I would just go to the back keep my mouth shut and just laugh on the inside....
:lecture I did this in many classes. I preferred to do this because 9 times out of 10 debating with someone in a classroom is just wasting your breath because they aren't listening anyways.
I would say keeping your mouth shut was pretty stupid.

So did I.
Nah, I spoke my mind and backed my points when I completed written assignments/papers. If I was asked, yeah I answered and provided my answer as well as validation for my point. Other than that I just listened and learned. IMO, the people that run their mouth in class are the insecure ones that have the need to overcompensate this insecurity by constantly proving how much they know.
Puts in disclaimer for all the n00bs out there who say I can't call someone else a n000b because my post count is too low or I have only been here a year.[/I]

Low post count does not equate noob, nor does a high post count mean someone knows anything. It just proves either the person with the low post count doesn't like to post all the time, and/or a person with high post count talks way too damn much.
Low post count does not equate noob, nor does a high post count mean someone knows anything. It just proves either the person with the low post count doesn't like to post all the time, and/or a person with high post count talks way too damn much.

Oh I know this. I just have been told that before by other people (not that I listened to them when they told me) so I figured I would put that there so they didn't get their panties in a bunch.

:lecture I did this in many classes. I preferred to do this because 9 times out of 10 debating with someone in a classroom is just wasting your breath because they aren't listening anyways.

Nah, I spoke my mind and backed my points when I completed written assignments/papers. If I was asked, yeah I answered and provided my answer as well as validation for my point. Other than that I just listened and learned. IMO, the people that run their mouth in class are the insecure ones that have the need to overcompensate this insecurity by constantly proving how much they know.

It all depends on who the person is I think. Yea you get the loud mouth douche bags who just like to listen to themselves talk but then you get the people who just like to participate and have active discussion. It is a shame when some people are open to active debate or discussion and others just sit there and don't talk. Just because people like to talk and speak there mind doesn't mean they are insecure or need to over compensate it just means they like to debate or have discussions. Like we are now.

I hope to god people are open to debate and speaking their mind, especially if the US government is heading in the wrong direction. Can't always just sit back. (sorry had to toss that in there)
Scalpers are evil.

But I've given up on trying to take them down. This forum exists so people can know about cool things and have a better opportunity of getting them early, and not have to deal with scalpers/flippers.

If you don't know about something and aren't able to get in on the initial offer, then you should have been reading the forum more closely.

I have to resign myself that by providing the forum I'm doing my part to fight evil.

You'll be happy to know that I never use your affiliate links when I purchase stuff. I wouldn't want you to benefit from my evil ways. You're welcome.
But what about the others who had no part in the creative process and yet profit from it? Are they deserving or not?

In a Capitalistic society, everyone is entitled to profit if they can. And what about artists who produce great work of unlicensed products?

You're way off base on this one. The most direct and simple motivations are those of necessity: food, shelter, survival. Collectibles do not fit into any of those categories. Try again.
First question: if they are part of the Sideshow company, or are Sideshow dealer, than yes.

Second question: Not everyone is entitled to sell anything they feel like for profit. Some things are illegal, like crack, and some things are unethical to sell in a certain manner or by certain people, while they are ethical to be sold by others. Concert tickets and limited edition collectibles are ethical to be sold by authorized dealers, but not by scalpers.

Question three: You didn't get my point. The most direct and simple motivations to buy something are always to obtain that particular thing for it's own sake, WITHOUT ULTERIOR MOTIVE, or hidden agenda. To buy a collectible to scalp is an ulterior motive, and to but a collectible to sell for food clothing or shelter is ALSO an ulterior motive, even though those other needs are the most basis needs for BEING HUMAN, they are NOT the most DIRECT and simple motivations for buying a collectible, or for buying anything else for that matter. This is true unless something is bought for the most direct and simple motivation to obtain food clothing or shelter ONLY when one is buying food clothing or shelter. It is a direct and simple motivation to buy food only when the purpose is to buy food, and not to buy it for the purpose of selling it so that one might obtain clothing or shelter. It is a direct and simple motivation to buy shelter for the purpose of having shelter, and not for the purpose of buying shelter to sell it in order to be able to obtain food or clothing. It is a direct and simple motivation to buy clothing only when the purpose is to obtain clothing, and not to buy it to sell to be able to obtain food or shelter, or anything else for that matter.
It is clear that you misunderstood.
blackthorne, i agree if we consider ourselves "friends and family" stepping in each other's way to get an item only to try to shill it off to somebody seems like a low move.

but we aren't a family. like i said people here can't even support each other in situations where its clear they are being misused and taken advantage of. they'd rather hold their friendship together. its admirable loyalty I suppose, but not very integritous.

the community works in cliques (for better or worse). there are people that will support each other whether in the right or in the wrong. there are people who will sell something for cost to some and for profit to others.

its just how it works.
Not everyone is entitled to sell anything they feel like for profit. [...] some things are unethical to sell in a certain manner or by certain people, while they are ethical to be sold by others. Concert tickets and limited edition collectibles are ethical to be sold by authorized dealers, but not by scalpers.

Good grief. Are there really special ethical considerations for "concert tickets" and "limited edition collectibles"? Why are those two catergories deserving of special ethical rules? Ethical rules require consistency of application. You're making this BS up as you go.

Private property -- live it, learn it, love it. Provided it isn't legally restricted ... if I own it, I can sell it whenever, and to whomever, I want. The ethics of freedom of property. Mind your own business.

Like I've said, there is but one solution to scalping -- raise prices at retail to the maximum price the market will take. Until retail prices reflect the reality of supply and demand, "scalping" is inevitable. The reality to the consumer is the same ... you're likely going to pay market price.

Like I've said, there is but one solution to scalping -- raise prices at retail to the maximum price the market will take. Until retail prices reflect the reality of supply and demand, "scalping" is inevitable. The reality to the consumer is the same ... you're likely going to pay market price.

I don't think it works like that. Just because a few blokes are willing to pay more for something doesn't set its "market value". "Market value" is the average amount of ALL sales. Not just the high sales.

If retailers raised their prices it will cause people at the lower end of the spectrum of customers that already feel the current retail is high to drop interest in the product, which lowers the demand, which lowers the market value.

I 100% agree with all the people that said the only way to stop it is if people stopped paying it.
I don't think it works like that. Just because a few blokes are willing to pay more for something doesn't set its "market value". "Market value" is the average amount of ALL sales. Not just the high sales.

If retailers raised their prices it will cause people at the lower end of the spectrum of customers that already feel the current retail is high to drop the product.

I never said market value equaled just the high sales. But, if the MOTU line is selling for $20 a figure at retail ... and $60 a figure in the aftermarket, either the price or the supply is too low.

If you want to end scalping, you have to make it unprofitable on average ... i.e. scalpers break-even or lose money when flipping items. They'll quit real quick if they start losing money. So, raise the price to where they're unable to make any money flipping.

Customers who feel the retail price is too high are pretty much S.O.L. if the market dictates a price higher than they are willing to pay. But, retailers are SOL if they set the price higher than the market will bear. Right now, scalpers accept the risk of overpricing ... they buy things betting they will go up in value. To end scalping, the retailer must accept the risk of overpriced merchandise.

Basic economics. Someone has to accept the risk.

. But, retailers are SOL if they set the price higher than the market will bear. Right now, scalpers accept the risk of overpricing ... they buy things betting they will go up in value. To end scalping, the retailer must accept the risk of overpriced merchandise.

Basic economics. Someone has to accept the risk.


exactly, and why on earth would a manufacturer or retailer accept the unnecessary risk just to end scalping? its not a valid recommendation to solve the problem.

a more valid recommendation would be to increase supply. but ssc actually receives a certain notarity if its seen that their products are scalped. it makes it look like SSC is highly in demand when in reality maybe if they are lucky 1/50 of their products get hot. ssc is more than willing to risk underproducing 1 item now and then if it means people start ordering the 49 other products thinking its the next hot item.