I partially see what you are saying creecher, but honestly i lack any reason to respect the guy. and intimidation? where?
Also, you must be new to this guy and his posts. He frequently trolls the marvel section and spews his garbage everywhere even when it's not needed. maybe people are just tired of hearing him stand on his soapbox. It would be one thing if he led by example, but like i said, he doesnt do anything to help the fellow collector. all he does is run his internet mouth and tell people how much better he thinks he is compared to them.
I don't troll. I peruse and discuss the collectible, and then speak of scalping ONLY when someone else brags about the fact that they have more than one EX, or that they are going to scalp, ect. I NEVER start up posting about the evils of scalping without provocation by someone else, making a glib comment, obviously intended entirely to stir up things, or to irritate people, which is what trolling is, which is what YOU do. You say, you have 3 EXs, or you will make some other comment deliberately intended to aggravate others. I just respond to that. Trolls are the ones who go into threads and start stuff. I am just there to try and respond to what the troll says and finish it. Jbinny also makes posts bragging about getting multiples, obviously with the intent to aggravate others. Bodie the Cursed trolls too, because he comes along frequently in a thread and says something negative, whether it be about a piece or about a person, as he did in mine. I never go into any thread and start anything. Furthermore, I never post in any thread I have no interest in as some people do, just to make a comment about how they have no interest because they aren't into that genre. What are they even doing in that section then????
As far as helping other collectors, I think it's a great idea, but I don't talk about helping them. I just talk about not hurting them. There is an important distinction there. I never claimed That I was actively taking a role in pursuing or championing the cause of actually helping my fellow collector. I am certainly not against it, and I approve of it, but I never claimed that I actually was doing it. Therefore, it wasn't like I was making claims I wasn't backing up.
I don't talk about how I am better than anyone. I always lecture in the abstract, and talk about ideas and beliefs and practices. I talk about how scalping is bad, but I don't say that any particular person is bad, as some people do. I never resort to personal insults like some people do, or post pictures intended to harass or belittle or make fun of, as a few have done to me in the past here. I talk about how my viewpoint is better than other people's viewpoint, but that is a far cry from actually asserting that I am better.
Yes, in this post I did get a bit personal, but I stuck to the facts about the behavior of certain people here, with the intent to put things in perspective. The three names I mentioned I'm sure aren't the only ones, and I'm sorry if I unfairly singled them out, but they were the first to come to mind.
I want everyone to know that even though I don't share certain views on a certain topic, I appreciate and respect it when people I argue with keep the conversation civil, and on the argument, and do not resort to personal attacks. "Something Sexy", quadcent, Skiman, The Mike, and many others have kept it civil in my memory, as well as many others, and I really do appreciate that. Sorry to leave people out. There is a much longer list of the positive people.