OK...so I visited my family this past weekend. And found that they have found 10 baby scorpions in the house, 7 alive and 3 dead. 3 of the survivors killed the other four survivors so there are now three survivors...except for the 11th baby scorpion that I found in some things I wanted to bring back to Phoenix with me so I had them staged (read: piled) in my garage. That makes 11 total with 4 survivors for those who care to keep track.
The one I found, I have created a terrarium for and he has successfully figured out how to eat the crickets I bought for him so he is good there. He took a while to figure out what to do. Based on that and his size, I believe that to be his first meal since climbing off his mom's back.
The other three survivors...my kids have in a terrarium and want to keep. I am not necessarily comfortable with that, however, my son showed that he is capable of handling them (by being careful NOT to handle them without the use of an instrument that keeps them away from his hands, of couse) so I am letting them be...for now.
I will get pictures up of my new pet soon. I have been wowing some of the guys at work who were not aware that scorpions glow under UV light. It is cool how tiny...but perfectly formed he is.
I have calling it "he", but I do not know if it is male or female, yet.
Edit - I think he may be similar in size or maybe slightly smaller than Lar'ja Thwei's picture in the previous post.