SDCC Exclusive 12" Aayla Secura

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I was so dazzled by her I missed it :eek: ...if it'd been a snake it would've bit me. And I like the blue...

Looks good...

Thanks! Glad my shot was good enough then. Glad someone likes it cause I'm not too sold on how it came out.

Sean- Yeah, the figure is like a 6.5-7 really. Just kind of weak overall.
She's not a bad figure, just not one of their higher level figures, but it seems like any totally brand new con pieces really aren't, but because of the more difficult availability, it's best they're not the cream of the crop pieces. Darth Vader was great because it took a nice figure, improved a few things and added some nice new touches, but Yavin Luke was just ok, and while I'm very pleased and fortunate with mine, the Holo Sidious seems prone to problems so for having that going for it, could argue it wasn't a top notch figure.
I agree. The sculpt is awesome Tim did a great job just the rest of it kind of comes up a little short.
The costume is nice, my only thing is, there's a pattern to the non-leather sections and this suit is just smooth material, and the blue could be more teal, she definitely wasn't a pure blue in the movies.
Once I made a new top for her, I was completely happy with her. The buck is an issue, but since all my entire SSC collection are on Bucks its not really a factor.
the buck is probably the one thing that hurts it for me. but im leaving the robe on when i get her. hopefully that helps to make her head look a little smaller.
Does anyone else think the Aayla head could be easily converted to an Ooala from Jabba's Palace?
Does anyone else think the Aayla head could be easily converted to an Ooala from Jabba's Palace?

Depending on what extent you want your Oola to look like the film, yes an no. Easily you could make an Oola I'm sure, but Amy Allen's face doesn't resemble the Oola actres at all, you could probably fake some things with paint, but I think in the end you'd have to mod the sculpt to really get the look.
Depending on what extent you want your Oola to look like the film, yes an no. Easily you could make an Oola I'm sure, but Amy Allen's face doesn't resemble the Oola actres at all, you could probably fake some things with paint, but I think in the end you'd have to mod the sculpt to really get the look.

It would take some work, but I think given the opportunity, Les could do it. The sculpt would not match exactly, but it might work.
I really think if it weren't for the base body, this figure would be a solid 8-9 figure, but as it is, I'd say 6.5-7.5. The female buck is tolerable when hidden, like Asajj, but when it shines through on a figure, it can really hurt the look. I'm not picky about exposed joints, but the exposed arm looks a little awkward because there's no soft human shape to it, it really has an inhuman flow, that coupled with the odd size of the midsection and overspread hips forces this figure to be seen from certain angles. It has flattering angles, which is good, but really, i hope they put effort into a new female body. There are plenty of Padmes, Leias and G.I. Joe femmes to justify it.

For me it's the head size, if the head was just a bit smaller I would love the figure, Buck base body and all. I tried seeing what her head would look like on a better body (Cy Girl 1 and a Perfect Body), and even with a more beefier bod it still wouldn't look right. The head is just too large, and that especially sticks out when on a shelf with other figures with more reasonable head sizes.
If the color was right, the top material a better match, and the sculpt had a better likeness, I still couldn't over look the head size issue.

One thing I've noticed on my figure that's really not evident in photos is the very light white splotches on her Lekku. It's very subtle and looks amazing in person.
One thing I've noticed on my figure that's really not evident in photos is the very light white splotches on her Lekku. It's very subtle and looks amazing in person.

Ya, it's a nice little touch. Her paint apps are quite impressive. Another fine non-human paint effort by Sideshow.
I agree. A proportionate sculpt would have improved this figure 100%. The more realistic looking a figure is the more I can forgive little non movie accurate things like her shirt pattern.
Mine will be here on Friday too. I have to have my figures shipped to a different place though so someone is home to get them without them sitting on the porch all day, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it. And I'm going out of town for over a week on Saturday so it may be awhile before I actually get to open her up and see her for myself.