SDCC Exclusives revealed tomorrow!

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With one piece gone, and two more on the bottom to seems that there will only be 3 exclusives.
The coloring is off (probably photography) but my money is on this:


Sure would be nice if one of those puzzle pieces revealed a leg covered in netting... :pray: :D
The coloring is off (probably photography) but my money is on this:



It's absolutely that. No question. We're already discussing it on the Marvel forum.

Hopefully the USO version is a separate release (with any luck, also SDCC exclusive)
Seems like the HT USO Cap would warrant a wider release than a SDCC exclusive. Perhaps a battle damaged, ripped jacket version? If that Cap is a con exclusive it will be highly coveted unless the ed size is crazy huge.
Non-Atendee PPO makes that a moot point. If it was strictly and truly a SDCC Exclusive (attendees only) then it'd be an issue.

About damn time they offer something kickass like this for SDCC.
Seems like the HT USO Cap would warrant a wider release than a SDCC exclusive. Perhaps a battle damaged, ripped jacket version? If that Cap is a con exclusive it will be highly coveted unless the ed size is crazy huge.

Like last year's Bruce Wayne/Batman and Shadow Predator figures? Although those didn't make it in time for the con... hrm.
I remember last year everyone was scambling for Shadow Pred & Batman and freaking out when they couldn't order on PPO night and then they ended up being available for months.

This won't be any different :lecture

(except hopefully people won't be freaking out as if they're gonna sell out)
Like last year's Bruce Wayne/Batman and Shadow Predator figures? Although those didn't make it in time for the con... hrm.

I have a feeling with this coming in at over $200 (probably around $250 or so), he'll hang out for a while like last year's HT exclusives.
Even if the Predator makes it late to the party, I'm hoping we'll at least see one. Shadow was revealed when? Like, June last year? Or July... ugh, I don't want to wait that long.
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