Really though was there? Looking through them a lot of the early stuff is still grouped by similar licenses just not as many. There's a lot of stuff from the Alien films, Predator films, Robocop films, Terminator films, various Stallone characters (mainly Rocky and Rambo), and some DC stuff. You have other characters sprinkled in like Vito Corleone, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd, and so on but I wouldn’t say the variety was that much greater. Just different things and I suppose if you’re more into those licenses that’s fair but there doesn’t seem to be that much more variety then versus now. The biggest difference in my opinion is that now with certain licenses we get large numbers of certain characters (Iron Man and various Storm Troopers).Looking at the early releases, there was a lot more variety in the choice of subjects. The only HT figure i bought recently, that doesn't fall under the Disney banner, was Ripley. The only announcement i was really looking forward to was Cain, from RoboCop 2, which looks to be DOA. I'm tired of Marvel, films as well as figures. QMX will be getting most of my business in 2018.