I wish Marvel was running the entire show on the x-franchise, IM and HULK were great comic films in my opinon.
Well I just came home from seeing it and I really liked! A lot! In my opinion it was waaaay better than the new HULK and X3...it was right up there with X1 and X2 for me. I just don't see where all the hate for this movie comes from.
And Deadpool...while not true to the comics at first...at the end of the credits it is obvious he will be back...and I'm betting with his traditional outfit. Very entertaining.
I'll wait for the DVD
I am so confused with all the different opinions
Not really![]()
I will see it this weekend to judge for myself. Fox does Spiderman films too, right? If this movie turns out to a cluster f wonder how badly they will destroy Spiderman.
They already did. See Spider-man 3.
I just got back from seeing it and I thought it was really good. The casting was great and they all nailed their characters. I really hope they do some spin-off movies with Gambit and Deadpool.
i too LOVED IT! kick ass man!