Completely agree with the number of bad decisions. I'm actually getting a little peeved at the number of 'other' wolverine characters. Okay, X-23 was a fun addition, and I quite like her. Then to add Draken and Romulus?! Wolverine is losing any form of uniqueness he had. Just a question though, does it ever explain how the Mursama blade cut through Sabretooth's adamantium? Or was the only explanation that it was 'a magical sword?' Ridiculous if it was. If he's gone for good, Joe Q and I are going to have some words.
Did you read the issues where they explane how wolverine made the sword, and what it's properties are? I THINK that the cutting of adamantium is explaned there. even then, your neck is made of vertebrae connected by spongey tissue, it's possible the adamantium simply deflected the blade to the tissue, and that's how he decapitated him, not by cutting the adamantium, but by separating his neck. Simular to hulk ripping wolverine in two in ultimates. See pic above for details.
Speaking of the Mursama blade... has anyone else noticed that the Wolverine origins/fury files figure of the comic book wolverine in brown and orange comes with the murasama blade (red katana for those of you not familior with it)
The big thing with the blade is that wounds caused by it don't seem to heal, neet weapon. but overall, i do say,
My taste in comics is poor, because I don't like a comic that you do?
I always value your opinion when it comes to comics, because your quite clearly more knowledgeable than me, but there's no need to come across all snobbish just because I have a differing point of view.
When it comes to Wanted, I find that the artistry is amazing but I find the story lacking.
forgive me, when i posted that I haden't slept for a few days ( GAH FIANLS) and I spoke.... shall we say too harshly. Now that i'm more "clear headed" I know what ya meant, And i know i was being a ^^^^. Wanted's one of my avorite books, becuse the story is so dramaticly different from what we se in comics, and one thing i value over almost anything else when it comes to story is Creativity, and originality. Lets be honest here, how many comics actualy have the bad guys win? Anyways, I took it as an attack on somethning i thought was great, and reacted.... inappropriately. You're quite right, It does have some weak points in the story (particularly with the ending). Anyways, take this as an appology.
though, Especaliy with the film, i see no reason to take out all the supervillians, and turn the remaining vilians into "anti-heroes" that just seemed like a cop-out.