I'm hoping Serang offers the unpainted heads very soon I'd love to paint the Beatles. Also I think I'd buy Ringos outfit if he offered it. I jus dont think I could bash that. Paul and John I could live with the avalible bashing options out there. George I'd buy the outfit for too.
Ray, if I could offer a couple of suggestions re: the Ringo and George Abbey Roads outfit
1. -George --- blue jeans from Dragon etc are not too hard to find
I believe NEWLINE MINITURES also have a denim Western shirt in
their "other eras" section in addition to jeans of their own
2. - Ringo --- Battlegear Toys (who are out of the country for a
month) also has a "Western" Section. They have what they
call a "Hollywood" frock. Kind of a Wyatt Earp / Col Mortimer
3/4 length suit jacket. I think it would be quite acceptable as
Ringo's "Preacher/ Undertaker" coat.
The tie will be atough one
and then there is Amy at
A J Clothiers https://www.ajclothiers.com/index.htm